I want to provide training management services for firms wishing to outsource the function. What Internet-based or other databases have the capacity to process skills audit data and perhaps a combination of training attendances for multiple organisations simultaneously. Any leads appreciated.
Robin Henry
Robin Henry
3 Responses
Macromedia Authorware
It may be worth looking at the functionality of Macromedia’s Authorware program
Computer Training & Internet Development
A couple of suggestions..
A few that I have found, although I have not yet had a chance to try any out…
A-Track (The achievement tracking system) from Aldcliffe Computer Systems tel:01524 846508
Perception by Question Mark (can be web-based) tel:020 7263 7575
Computers in Personnel tel:01628 814000
Facility CMIS from CCM software Services (IK) Ltd tel: 01332 660555
For time-management/booking try Adesoft http://www.adesoft.com
Training records systems
We have developed similar systems ourselves in Access(and in fact use one of those on a daily basis for just this job).
If you would like more information, please contact me on nici@a2ztraining.co.uk.
Nici Aldridge
A2Z Computer Services