at the end of each course we carry out a Course Evaluation. Currently we use an old version of Quality Monitor to evaluate these. I've recently looked at a couple of evaluation packages but they come with a training database attached and this is not suitable. Anyone use any evaluation packages that I could look into?
a cable

4 Responses
RE: Training Evaluation Software
Assessing Success Ltd provides an assessment and evaluation service for members of the training community. It is a simple electronic system that participants and managers can use according to their individual requirements. The system has been co-developed by an expert trainer for training evaluation who frequently lectures for the CIPD. Maybe we could be of service to you.
End of Course?
Just as a matter of interest, I’m wondering what the phrase “at the end of each course” actually means.
If the words are meant literally – to denote the time between the end of the closing presentation and the time that the delegates leave the training room – then the question must surely be: “What are you actually evaluating?”
For example, if the delegates have not yet used whatever they have allegedly been learning, how can one know they’ve acquired any practical learning/skill whatsoever. (I’m assuming the training is intended to provide a reasonable ROI?)
Likewise asking the delegates to evaluate the course is pretty nonsensical, since they have nothing to measure it against until they actually start trying to put the training into practice.
(Allowing that performance often goes DOWN to some extent immediately after training, for a fairly brief period, until the trainee becomes experienced in using what they’ve learnt.)
In short, it seems that maybe a first question might be: “What is the real purpose of this evaluation?” before one tries to decide which evaluation method/package is most suitable.
Andy Bradbury
not helpful
the comments by Mr Bradbury were not helpful, pointless and did not answer the question. Perhaps because he is unaware of our full evaluation process. I think I have now found the answer to the question posed.
Don’t think about it
If you feel my comments were less than helpful I suggest you make sure you don’t ever think about them again. Just forget anything I said about the usefulness of knowing what it is you want to evaluate before you select the evaluation tool.
Put the whole thing right out of your mind.
And I’m glad you think you’ve now found something that does whatever it is you wanted the evaluation tool to do.
Well done
Be well
Andy Bradbury