I have been tasked with developing a training infrastructure for our agency. I believe the task is to provide a basic framework for training i.e. process for individual training plans, reviews, induction etc. (approx 500 staff)
I have only limited training delivery skills and am struggling to find a starting point. I have been advised no budget yet in place.
Any thoughts on where I can get some ideas to provide a starting point?
Janice Laing
I have only limited training delivery skills and am struggling to find a starting point. I have been advised no budget yet in place.
Any thoughts on where I can get some ideas to provide a starting point?
Janice Laing
6 Responses
Start here
Sounds like you need more than a starting point. This could be a poisoned chalice or the opportunity to do something great. I have worked with a great organisation and development consultant who I’m sure could give you some tips. Click in http://www.rsaltd.com and see whether he would fit the bill for what you need.
who has tasked you?
I’d be happy to provide you with a little (free) off site/on line coaching to assist here
Feel free to email me at rus.slater@ky.com.
Short of recommending a good book this is too bog a topic to get into here.
I’ll ask a shed load of questions to try to get a handle on how you could get going
Brian & Rus – Many thanks to you both for for your comments.
Happy to help!
Hi Janice,
I will be more than happy to assist with your inquiry as well. You can e-mail me on – parag@qcuest.com and we can take it on from there.
Come and see for yourself…
Janice – although espoused theories are informative there is no substitute for reality.
Working as a Regional Training Officer covering 39 seperate sites in a 24,000 sq mile region, for a large, and new, public sector Agency on a limited budget I have done the very same thing you have been tasked to do. We are now 3 years into business as an Agency and it is widely acknowledged that the L&D function has been one of the greater success stories of the Agency.
I would propose, and be happy to host you, if you would like to come along to visit me in my workplace whereby I can show you and explain the initiatives I have introduced and how I manage them.
I am based in Shrewsbury, if that’s any use to you please do get in touch.
Training Infrastructrure
I just wanted to let you know the we are specialized in providing Training Infrastructure (applications, servers, network, whole pre-set environments where users remotely login and do their training/testing) of any size and configuration. Email me (peter.stevenson@viadmin.com) with your required specs if you’d like to outsource the IT part of your project.