I have been asked to set up a Training library basically from a pile of training brochures. I would like to know how other companies have their training libraries set up for brochures, books, videos etc. How do you make resources available to staff on other sites? Plus any other useful tips and examples would be good.
Sharon Doggrell

2 Responses
Setting up a small library
As a Chartered Librarian, I should recommend that you employ a library/information professional!
Key principles:
1 storage
2 access
3 stock management
4 circulation control
1 If the collection is simply brochures and other pamphlet material, any decent suspense filing system should suffice with subject headings and an index.
If book and non-book material (audio-visual for example) is included then you’ll need open shelving and a sequencing system (to put related material together).
2 Presumably access will be direct by visit and indirect by means of a simple, networked database.
3 The collection will need to be managed. There should be a purchasing budget and a set of criteria for selection and editing (keeping the collection up to date is vital)
4 You may simply want to make it “reference-only” so that all items of stock remain on the premises (whether centralised or localised). Or you may need to make arrangements for items to be loaned to staff. A simple method would be to ensure your stock database includes a means of recording the current borrower.
If you localise material at different sites, you may want to introduce specialisation at each site, as appropriate, in addition to duplication of necessary material.
Training Library
Hi Sharon,
I have done this several times and would be happy to offer you some practical advice based on my experiences with both large and small organisations. However, to offer you the best advice I can, I would need to know more about your organisation and why you have decided to do this. Please give me a call.
0788 079 0815