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Training Needs Analysis


I am doing some research and wanted to benchmark against a "standard" TNA questionnaire that a company would send to its employees
Sue Nunan

2 Responses

  1. There isn’t a single “standard” TNA questionnaire

    I am afraid you need to elaborate what you meant and/or wanted. There isn’t a single “standard” TNA questionnaire that organizations would send to their employees. As you are probably aware, there is TNA for every issue.

    If you want a copy of TNA for I.T. literacy and skills then I will be able to share one.


  2. Staff Training Needs Analysis
    Purpose: To identify staff training and development needs in your organization.


    If you have not yet seen these, the needs anayisis tools here were originally developed for Westinghouse under contract to the US Department of Energy and shared through a technology transfer programme.

    Registration is required to download the documents.

    Usual disclaimers apply.


    Scott G. Welch


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