I have been in training for a number of years but this is my first year as a freelance trainer. I would like to subscribe to a training magazines which has details of tenders/jobs/training providers. I would be grateful for any suggestions.
sue fu

4 Responses
Personnel Today
Personnel Today
This is a magazine that can be obtained complimentary providing you meet certain criteria.
Contact subscriptions on 01444 – 475604. Tell them they were recommended to you by someone who gets a free copy and they will send you a form to complete.
It would be interesting to talk to you sometime about the challenges you have faced going freelance. I have thoughts to do the same myself in about 18 months.
Subscribe to <> >. It also has an on-line training forum associated – UKHRD. Both are excellent.
There is one journal published in UK solely devoted to training and development <
Publication for Trainers/Assessors/Verifiers
Take a look at a new site now under construction @
Good Luck. – Feedback welcomed.
Nicest wishes!
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