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Training Records for ISO Purposes



I have been asked to introduce an Individual and Team Training Record and/or Skills Matrix that meets the requirements of ISO.

What suggestions do people have for implementing such a system whilst at the same time keeping it as simple for line managers to complete as possible.

Thanks in antciipation.

Paul Duxbury

4 Responses

  1. Training records
    We have utilised a two tier system that meets the requirements of a ISO record system.
    Both of which are based on Office systems – Excel and Access.

    1. The matrix is a simple colour coded matrix with Training titles across the top and names down the side. Training required is 1 colour, Training completed is in a second. (This can also be used to record competances not only actual training )

    2. The full records are maintained on a simple access data base recording courses, dates and other information.

    Both are simple to maintain.

    However remeber a physical record should be maintained signed by those receiving training so you have proof that a person actually attended the course etc.

  2. Training records
    I am currently using a web based system for TNA, tracking training and records maintenance, which also allows me to produce real time reports. It can even be used as an e-learning delivery tool. In addition to employee records, information can be broken down into individual job skills rather than just jobs and also by departments etc. Suggest you visit Hope this helps!

  3. Look at your company quality manual

    For me, ISO accreditation is about being able to consistently deliver a product or service that meets customer needs.

    Training records are used to prove that the people delivering the service are competent to do so.

    It may be best to ask your quality manager/representative to see what they want as a minimum. Look at your company quality statement to do with training and see what it says (if you have one). In my last company, we put the responsibility on managers to identify training need. All we then had to do was (for each person) record
    1) What training course they needed
    2) When they attended the course.
    An Excel spreadsheet is enough.
    The individual holds any certificates they’re given and copy them to the person responsible for record keeping.

    Also – I know of many companies who do not keep any central training records and who are still ISO accredited.

    Please feel free to reply if you want to talk further. I’m not an anarchist – just soemone who has seen how we can miss the point of something useful like ISO standards.