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TrainingZONE events – What would you like us to cover?


Hello everyone,

TrainingZONE is launching a new series of events covering topics of interest to you, our members.

This is your chance to have your say - What topics would you most like us to cover?

Would you prefer a half day event, a breakfast briefing or for it to take place after work?

These are for you so I would love to know what you would find most useful.


Kind regards,
Sarah Fletcher, Acting Editor, HR Zone
sarah fletcher

2 Responses

  1. Where?
    Hi Sarah

    I would be interested in some events around subjects that would be of interest to freelancers/self-employed etc, but am interested in lots of different subjects as well. The most convenient timings would be dependent on what else was happening for me that day.

    My main request would be not to just concentrate on London. I live in Glasgow and about 99% of the events I see are in London with occasional ones in Birmingham and Manchester. Don’t forget us folk north of the border!!




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