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Transfer of Learning


I'd be interested in hearing what others are doing to ensure that learning is embedded following attendance on a training course.

I'm particularly interested in the more intangible areas of management and soft skills training (since this doesn't easily lend itself to pre/post course assessment) and being able to demonstrate that the learning goes beyond the 1 day training event.

Louise Cole

5 Responses

  1. links to useful articles about transfer
    Transfer of Learning
    by Don Clarke
    A brief and clear introduction – including an explanation of why transfer during a training event is important.

    Training Transfer and Behavior Change
    by Susan M. Heathfield
    Summaries and links to recommended articles about transfer:

    Improving the Transfer of Training
    an adaptation of Broad and Newstrom’s before/during/after matrix model with an extra row added for what the trainee’s co-workers can do to assist transfer.

    Ten Ways to Make Training Stick
    by Susan Boyd (1996)
    Actually 30 ways – 10 before, 10 during, 10 after

    19 Ways to Help Transfer Training
    by Bob Pike
    Not a very creative list from the guru of Creating Training, but I do like idea No.13: Have participants keep a journal 5 minutes a day on how they are using the course. Schedule a meeting 21 days later on what worked from their journals.

    A process approach to the transfer of training (part 1)
    by Marguerite Foxon

    A process approach to the transfer of training (part 2)
    by Marguerite Foxon

    Greenaway, R. (2002) “How Transfer Happens” in: Organisation Development: Topical Papers No. 5, February 2002, 39-55, Brathay, Ambleside. Send email to

  2. The Action Dimension
    As part of our blended soft skills training programmes, we have an integrated transfer of learning phase, which involves participants undertaking mini work-based assignments, each based around one or more of the key learning points from the course, that are open-ended so that each individual can dovetail the learning and the activity into their day-to-day role.

    These activities often involve the line manager or peers and the participants complete a short reflective report after each, which is returned to the trainer.

    We use a piece of software to schedule, co-ordinate and collate the results of these that provides valuable data to the trainer and organisation as to the postive change taking place on-the-job.

  3. Link it to appraisal
    If training needs are identified during an appraisal process, the next appraisal round should show whether the skills deficit is still there. This is the micro or ‘bottom-up’ approach to training and its assessment, as opposed to big government, ‘top-down’ ways.

  4. we use a post course questionnaire
    We use a post course questionnaire which is issued three to 6 months after trainng has taken place.

  5. Kirkparticks 4 Levels of Assessment
    Hi Liz,

    A usual way of monitoring training after the event of attendance on a programme is to follow Kirkpatricks 4 levels of assessment. Drop me an email and I will forward you an article I recently read about the way it is used :o)
