The title is a slight exageration, but, we spend a fair amount of time on TrainingZone looking at the latest software, websites and kit that’s available to us and this fits into that mold. I came across this at the weekend, it's old school and innovative at the same time, basic and I love it.
White board dry wipe pens, they slowly begin to loose their ink and result in faded colours, they also dry out and you don’t know if they work or not until you use them, they are also very expensive. Then I came across these in the local stationers; Crayola White Board Dry-Erase Crayons. I think they were £2.50 for a set of 8 pens and in the picture the object on the left is a cleaning mitten which comes with the pack.
They work a treat, good colours, you know when they are about to stop working (obviously) and they wipe off better than the standard ink type which I have sometimes found, especially on older white boards, to leave slight traces which build up despite the hardest cleaning without resorting to chemical cleaners.
Strongly Recommended. Amazing.
(Sad isn’t that this has excited me so much?)

7 Responses
it isn’t sad
it’s the whole spirit of a good forum!
Not sad at all! I love this. I think we are all so preoccupied with finding the latest gadget that we forget some of our best tools are the simplest ones.
I think it’s great that you shared this with the group – thanks.
Technology is not Always the Answer
Reminds me of the Fisher Space Pen. Millions of dollars in development by the US and the Russians used a chinagraph pencil to achieve the same result
Yes. Deeply sad!!!
Even sadder, I can’t wait to get some!
and greener??
These have to be a greener solution to conventional pens too – bonus!
Unbelievable technological innovation
Gary, I thought your discovery was delightful! Whilst I love the use of technology there is nothing that touches me more than pens, pencils, crayons and a piece of paper, and what can be achieved with them by novice and expert alike. Just getting to grips with new pens gives me so much pleasure. It takes me right back to when I learnt most, and best – as a young child drawing all over the walls in our spare bedroom (with permission of course – just before decorating!). Given the popularity at the moment of visual animations using whiteboards, for me, your discovery is indeed timely. Crayola whiteboard crayons here I come…. Thanks Gary.
Vanessa Randle thinkingvisually Ltd/Graphics Made Easy
Wow, thanks Garry! This looks cool. Can’t wait to get my hands on some.
Who would have thought about crayons on white boards!!