I am currently reviewing the existing delivery of N/SVQs in my organisation, a large public organisation spread throughout UK. My remit to decide the best way forward.
Has anyone carried out such a study and / or found a way of linking the achievement of VQs to a career / promotion ladder?
Angela Brown

3 Responses
NVQ linked to reward
My previous company – also public sector – linked NVQ’s as part of its skilled based reward scheme. At each of the 7 phases, NVQ attainment (or equivalent qualification – depending on your organisation) was part of the skills base – on attainment of all skills, the employee could move to the next phase and salary. This was used up to NVQ level 4.
It worked very well because people learnt on the job and with each other, and had to use employees already gone through nvq’s as guides for their own work – this all impacted on motivation and the attitude that staff developed towards learning.
Hope that helps
In my sector, (Fire and Rescue Services) Progression is directly linked to National Occupational Standards which include NVQs.Your best way forward would be to conduct a ‘Functional Analysis’ (what people do in a particular job), and a ‘Task Analysis’ (how people do it). Then determine which existing NVQs and at what level meet the needs of the individual Roles.
Hope this helps.
Try sector skills councils for help
We work with a number of organisations attempting something similar. We have found it very helpful to work with the relevant sector skills council (SSC) in each case.
For a list, go to:
Best of luck
Don Taylor