Does anybody have any information on the role of the trainer as a tutor, in addition to any references, papers or articles relating to what may be described as professional trainer/teacher principles and values? Any help or guidance would be most appreciated.
Kenneth Deane

7 Responses
Some guiding principles
Have a look at a copy of the Trainer Standards Pocketbook which is by John Townsend.
This book is all about what professional trainers standards should be, and makes interesting reading.
CIPD Code of Conduct
All members of CIPD sign up to a code of conduct, which covers legal, ethical etc. conduct. All trainers who are CIPD members therefore will have signed up to this.
recommended reading
Strongly suggest you read the recently published book by Beard and Wilson called the power of experiantial learning. There is a great chapter on ‘Good practice and ethics’ which is all about values etc. I really enjoyed this book, it’s written well and has lots of new stuff/ideas. Published by Kogan Page.
Similar information wanted
I am researching ‘the role of a trainer within organisations’. For this I am considering the movement from traditional ‘talk and chalk’ forms of training to the contemporary ‘learning organisation’.
Any hints, tips, or articles would be gratefully received.
Values reflected in SVQ
The SVQ in Training and Development, Level III, and the revised version called Learning and Development, Level III, put a great deal of emphasis on values including accessibility and inclusiveness, non-descrimination, meeting the needs of different learners,etc., and on good practice in general. Ths is a good place to start.
Let’s Talk to each other
My concern with some of the responses is that these are published aspirational values rather than values in play or reality. Richard Hale of CPD Business School has done some excellent work (and is continuing to do so) on the role of values in mentoring relationships.
I would be willing to explore the topic more with people who are interested and perhaps Kenneth generate some real live qualitative research data at the same time.
We have a Forum/Discussion section within our Partner Page on TrainingZone and I have posted this up as a topic for discussion. Join in the fray and do some real learning (not just replaying memorised models.
Clive Hook
Clearworth – a class apart
I found in the mentoring research that lack of sensitivity to values differences was a major cause of relationship failure and developed tools for exploring values as I found much of the work under this banner was actually addressing competencies/behaviours.
Happy to discuss this and how this has been linked to my research on influencing and the provision of senior level management development via the Clearworth f@sterclass – 0117 968 2299.
Richard Hale –