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Video cameras in training


I am looking for general tips on the use of video cameras in training, particularly presentations training. I have just started videoing participants and am not sure whether to play back the entire recording as it could be boring for other participants to watch the same thing again. Any other handy tips on using video cameras would be welcome too.
Allison McKay

6 Responses

  1. use of video cameras
    Hi Allison.

    I have used and in fact an currently using video cameras during presentation training. I think it is important for the delegates concerned to be able to take away a tape of their performance, (this sometimes needs a little extra co-ordination on the trainers part making sure everyone has a tape and that the right tape is in the machine at the right time) I find this is the most useful way for delegates to self evaluate and allows them to do so in the comfort of their ow homes. Usually during the course we have a brief viewing session showing short clips of the tapes and picking out key development areas, this is done as a group but you need to be careful here that people do not feel silly or intimidated watching themselves infront of others. I usually offer the delegates a chance to ‘opt out’ of this session if they feel uncomfortable.

    Hope this helps

  2. Opt out
    I seem to remember a similar kind of posting on audio recording of delegates but I casnt find it in the archives.

    There are a couple of legal issues worth consideration here ; Human Rights Act and Data Protection Act.

    I’m no expert but I’d advise that you explore them and their implications as well as providing delegates with an opt out. there may well be other delivery methods that achieve the same desired result.

  3. Try using the tapes as a supplimentary feedback tool…
    I run a fair few Presentation Skills courses and hear the usual horror stories – “I look awful”, “It puts me off”, “My boss wants to watch it”, etc.

    I video them and then give feedback, based not on watching the video but on what I saw, heard and felt, and on the structure, use of visual aids etc etc.

    I also get the other delegates to chip in with the feedback.

    I leave the tape running during the feedback, so that the comments are recorded.

    We don’t refer back to the videos at all during the course. Instead, I recommend to them that they watch it at home, usually with the remote in one hand and a glass of wine in the other!

    It’s important to reassure them that the tape is theirs, and that they don’t have to show it to anyone.

    By doing this, I’ve found that they take the feedback (from me and themselves) on board, without feeling so threatened or intimidated by the camera.

    Hope this helps!

  4. video feedback
    I agree with the other contributors about the value of participants taking home their video – I try to use 30 minute long tapes – that way there is not such a likelihood of them taping over it – and will ask participants to return with the same video throughout a course – so that they build up a catalogue of their work and can review their own progress. I also like them to critique their own ‘performance’ when they are in the group – and have kept the video running for this. In all my time using video, only two people have opted out – and it was importanat they had the option.

  5. Before and After
    The real benefit comes from the participants seeing the “before” and “after”, so make sure the tape shows them presenting at the start of the day, before any learning has taken place…and at the end of the day, so they can see for themselves how they’ve improved. This helps to build confidence and to highlight that some of the techniques they have learned, that may have appeared alien to them at first, actually look very natural from the audience’s point of view.