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What are the components of a values training workshop


I have recently taken over the training and development role and do not have vast experience in this area. I want to revive our values workshop. I want to ensure that the workshop: leaves people questioning how they can best live the values, lead people to believe that organisation lives by it's values.
Besides linking the values to the mission statement and strategy, what should the content of the workshop be? what should the training process be?
Lisa Buisson

4 Responses

  1. This enquiry grabbed my interest…
    Hi Lisa,

    I was in a similar position a few months ago. I decided to try it a little differently, there is no point forcing the values on people and saying “…and these are the behaviours we expect.” My session introduced the values as words only…it was then the participants job to firstly define the meaning and associated behaviours expected, and then they had to ‘sell’ the values to a mock management committee. (myself and some other managers). This approach not only helped them develop a sense of what the values meant, but it also gave them a need to embrace and feel for the values espoused. Feedback was positive and the experience had by all was quite energetic!

    Good Luck.

    Grant Honeyman

  2. focus on practical issues
    Lisa, I’m not sure of the best way of passing on our experience because what we’ve found is that this sort of training is not as simple as it sounds. It’s very easy to avoid the tough questions about what behaviours are appropriate to a given value.

    I’d give you a number of pointers. Make sure the top team have debated the values very recently and discussed how they would know that some one has that value. (Our view is values are hidden, it is behaviour that shows a value; so it is behaviour that needs to be observed.) As an example one major oil company we worked with said they’d agreed the values and everything was clear. When we got the top team to test their understating by talking about different behaviours all hell broke loose. There was considerable disagreement and misunderstanding. Lots of debate followed and in the end the top team agreed what behaviours were expected. We’ve found that people do want to know what behaviours are considered appropriate for the organisation.

    Get people to debate how a value can be demonstrated, what things they see going on that contradict a value. I’m biased, but an external consultant is often in a better position here because they do not tend to defend the organisation which an internal person might tend to do. Final point, some form of measurement of behaviour with feedback from colleagues is really helpful to get to the practical issues that people face.

    If you want any more help please get in touch

    John Moss

  3. What is the compelling event?
    I would first like to understand why the values workshop needs to be revived. What is yours or the companies compelling event to do so?
    Without one, re-energising them without a purpose will de-motivate people as they feel it is another HR initiative.
    However if the compelling event is clear to you then I can help.
    My company BlessingWhite are world leaders in values driven organisational change.
    Our 30 years working in this arena at Executive and employee level tells us that the only way your company values can be embedded in a way that engages all is to link them to personal motivation within the job.
    Individuals need to be inspired by the values in a way that is meaningful to them and in a way that relates to their role.
    Your other feedback suggests that values can only be lived when the behaviours that describe them are understood – this is absolutely right, but those behaviours need to be within a proven framework that aligns personal motivation with organisational contribution. Without it the values will simply wither on the vine and add no value.
    Done properly organisational values significantly differentiate a business through its people.
    If you want to learn a little more about how we do this contact me directly.
    Mike Griffiths

  4. Recognising values drive behaviour and therefore performance
    Lisa, a key challenge to start 2002. I have an interest in that I run a coaching practice working either privately or in business with individuals and teams. I also deliver specific events on values and beliefs as they are significant topics. If behaviour and the resultant performance are the visible part, our values, beliefs and conditioning are the invisible part. Here lies the challenge, as these aspects drive everything we do. Superficially we often mention values, rarely do we elicit them. Thats what is needed – exploring what values are important for the individuals, before even thinking about the organisation. If you are unfamiliar with values, recognise it is a foundation for all of us, yet clearly you will want to link whatever you find into the companies purpose. Please feel free to get in touch and I’ll be happy to discuss more.
    David Miskimin
    Principal – DLM Associates
    Training, Consultancy and Coaching Practice