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Tim Pickles

8 Responses
On Line Learning
On Line Learning, On Line Learning, On Line Learning, On Line Learning, On Line Learning, On Line Learning, On Line Learning, On Line Learning, On Line Learning & more On Line Learning!!!!
It seems that every year, there’s a new “in” aspect of HR. Still, it was better than last year, when I kept being mugged by people wielding NLP flyers!!!
Something Different?
The food that was available at olympia was dreadful, A first class range of Sandwiches, a few sticky buns and doughnuts, fizzy drinks and bad tea and coffee. The range was the sort of thing you encountered in a railway buffet 20 years ago and not something you would hope to find at the begining of the new millenium, the organisers should contract for a wide and decent range of food to be available. I ended up bringing in my own in from a shop across the road.
It would appear that emotional intelligence is going to be the saving grace of all HRD specialists this year with numerous providers and suppliers focusing on this factor. The word ‘Lemmings’ keeps coming into my head for reaons I cannot fathom.
For the greater part I would say that the stands (including our own which I intend to change) show a lack of imagination. They are pristine, sterile and lacking any creativity. The stand designers have done their job, lots of nice photographs, colours and touches and then the products are sold in a way that has not changed since Noah. I would really like to see something diferent, something that catches my eye and is completely different from the run of the mill stands.
Will I bother next year?
On line training maybe good but is a small part of training needs.
The whole show seemed to concentrate on this aspect. Where were all the soft skills? I was looking for one particular type of training and it was nowhere to be found. A lot of the larger companies were not there and there was not enough choice.
The only benefit was that it was quiet so I did not have to waste too much time. Will I bother next year?
Theresa must have gone to a different show to me.
Constructive and Interesting!
Well I found HRD 2000 very constructive. I took the opportunity to speak to some very interesting people and gained some useful information which I have already used within my organisation. I only wish I had more time to look around!
Technology and Today’s Workers
Why were so few people at this session?
Coming from two lecturers at a US university it presented an excellent snap shot of where the UK will be in a couple of years time, complete with warning signs. The implication is that we need to address the changes in working practice that technology is driving and that HR should be shaping that process. That may be the way they do it in the States, but I think that over here the initiative lies more with IT Trainers to reassure the workforce.
If you are an IT trainer or Personnel person who cares, I suggest you contact dcohen@gwu.edu for a transcript of the session and results of the survey
Technology and Today’s Workers
The session I meant was Technology and Today’s Workers.
The one-line summary didn’t appear!!
HRD 2000 Comments
I attended the Conference for the 3 days. I thought that the experience was frustrating with no clear indication of what was happening. One had to ask several delegates to get appropriate information as the queues for enquiries were unbelievably long as were the queues for Cloakroom, Toilets and Catering.
The information given by most of the Speakers was far too basic to be of use in the Workplace. The Masterclasses were slightly better. Jack Black, was magic!
The Catering arrangements were diabolical, the food was disgusting and there was no time to shop around for alternatives if pursuing a special diet. I will not attend the Conference again.
just overwhelming
To all those who don’t know the training/coaching/PD communities in the German speaking countries: The UK can be proud of having such a developed scene as it showed at the HRD 2000.
350 exhibitors, ranging from web- to drama based training, from coaches to providers of quality training materials, and above all a roof organisation that has been setting industry standards for decades… simply overwhelming!
Therefore, I unfortunately had to skip on the, er, catering.