I am the training officer for an expanding collection agency. At the moment the training is very informal in that it is tailored to the experience of the individual. We are looking to expand the company and bring in larger groups for training. What size group works best and ideally should there be more than one trainer?
Any helpful hints or tips would be appreciated.
katy seigel

2 Responses
Hi Katy
Before going self employed I use to work for an insurance company and we use to run a 4 week induction programme (two weeks classroom, two weeks dialling in a training environment) for a maximum of 15 delegates on any one induction. Due to the number of delegates on each induction, there would be two trainers to deliver the programme however occasionally I did deliver the induction programme single handed.
With regards to content, here are some areas that you may wish to consider covering:-
• Welcome to the company
(Welcome to the company and an overview of the Corporate Induction Programme)
• Health and Safety
(Fire evacuation, First Aid, Accident Reporting, Smoking Policy and any specific items related to roles within the organisation)
• The organisation itself
(Tour of the office, Organisation Charts, Security, Car Parking, Telephone system, Computer systems, Data Protection, Products and Services)
• HR Policies
(Absence and Sickness procedures, Working hours, Agreement for breaks etc, Holiday and Special Leave, Probation Criteria, Performance Management, Discipline and Grievance procedures, Internet and Email policies)
• Financials
(Salary including payment method and dates, Tax and NI, Company Benefits, Expenses and Expense claims)
• Culture and Values
(Background of Culture and Values, Mission Statements, Any Quality Systems and the companies Customer Care Policy)
• Training
(Company training policy, Development Plans, Professional Qualifications)
If I can be of any further assistance Katy, please feel free to drop me an email at neil@train2develop.com.
Wishing you every success.
Funnel Effect Induction
Hi Katy
Firsty heed the excellent advice of Neil, very comprehensive details
Only thing I would add is to approach the structure with a funnel approach. Meaning, start off very generic and filter it down to become more and more specific to their job role.
Again if I can help any more, I’m on info@supremacytraining.com
Best wishes