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Where do I go from here…………………..?


I am a Learning and Development Manager with 4 years experience and have completed my Certificate in Training practice. I have the itch (for my sins) again and want to continue my study after a 2 year break. I just don't know what qualification to study. Any suggestions on how to further myself in Learning and Development?
Fiona Barber

7 Responses

  1. Education
    Hi Fiona, I know that feeling. I have just completed the CTP too and have sinced signed up for second year of a foundation degree. CTP allows me to skip the first year, Also after this foundation is completed I can fast track to third year degree in Education and Training. Three qualifications in three years.

  2. A pick n mix?
    You might want to think in terms of operational and strategic related development.

    For example, operational-related development would be about training design & delivery in all its guises, and you might want to look at some of the qualifications provided by the Training Foundation.

    Looking to bridge the strategy/operations divide you might also want to look at the Certified Performance Technologist qualification from the ASTD (in the USA).

    Finally you might want to look at a masters-level post grad degree in training/management development/organisation development and/or an MBA from a reputable business school.

    I did an MSc in Management Development & Training (it had a very heavy OD and strategy element to it). As soon as I could officially tell the world I had this degree (from Bristol University – it can matter just where you do your degree) I found potential employers and clients much more receptive to what I had to offer.

    I am now (4 yrs on) looking at next steps having taken largely the route laid out above – I just love to be challenged & stimulated – I’m looking at an MBA or similar but with an overseas provider so I can get a more global perspective and network too, but the costs are not exactly small!!

    Good luck!

  3. Join ITOL
    I would suggest that you contact the Institution of Training and Occupational Learning (ITOL). The address is: 414, The Cotton Exchange, Liverpool L3 9LQ

  4. CPD
    Ben, I’m really interested in your study. Can you give me details of where you did/doing your foundation course etc. I’m desperate to get a “quick” degree and didn’t realise my CTP would exempt me from the 1st year. Any info you can give me would be appreciated. Thanks.

  5. Degree from Leeds Met
    Leeds Metropolitan University offer a degree in learning & professional development (or some such thing) and you can gain exemptions from large parts of this using prior experience and qualifications so that you can do it in one year rather than 3.

  6. Further Education
    I have enrolled at Newcastle College. The Foundation degree is in Training and Developement which in turn, through a bridging term, allows me to follow onto the 3rd year Training and Education degree at Sunderland uni. Could be worth contacting local colleges to see if they also offer the degree.

  7. Thanks

    Thanks for your comments. I’ll do some investigation work locally in the first instance.

    Many thanks