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Which Learning Styles Questionnaire?


I manage an Intranet site dedicated to Learning & Development that currently hosts the interactive version of Honey & Mumford's Learning Styles Questionnaire.

Having visited the PSI-Press website, they maintain that there is no other learning styles questionnaire for business and education with such a good theoretical and design pedigree than their Learning Styles Profiler.

Can anyone give any recommendations?

Many thanks
Zoe Young
Zoe Young

4 Responses

  1. LSQ vs LSP
    not sure yet but after i write my assignment i’d like to let you know it’s strenghts and weaknesses, just as much as i’d like to know them myself right now becasue i’d save myself lots of time and effort.

    we live and learn and become more efficient learners as we mature.


    zoe i have began that assignment. one point i realise is fakability seems to be a going concern with LSP. true this is only one issue with it’s validity but i’ll keep working on it – i’ve only really just finished reading the manual. i need to do a critical appraisal so i can let you know the really big concerns when i realise them for myself

  2. Why the concern?
    Surely your question should be as much about ultility as validity. We have used the Honey/Mumford LS questionnaire for years and the evidence is that it works ie that it gives users a face-validity insight into their learning styles. I am not sure after hundreds of such experiences that I’d be much interested (except of course at an intellectual, self learning level) if something else came along. If it works for you, don’t worry too much!

    Peter Cox, TMPL Consultants/Training

  3. No better LSP than those based on evidence
    Zoe I have a view that the best way for a facilitator to learn a studnets learning style, is not the use of academic questionaires (only open to those learners with sufficient academia to follow )rather it is better for teachers to use a variety of teaching styles for a short period of time and then ask the students which they liked best. surely this gives a better more evidence based result than a questionaire?? of course short courses may be problematic.

  4. there are other ways of learning
    I have used honey et al for many years and find there can be a “so what” reaction from delegates,The benefits come from being able to make learning styles personal.

    A bit more difficult I suspect on the internet.

    I also used ACCELLERATED LEARNING as a model for people to help them to learn and found that in the training environment there was a lot of flexibility in helping people to see/feel etc learning in a diffrent way.

    The two together i feel have great power .

    I have seen no other model of merit.

    best of luck .