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World Cclass customer service training


I am looking to deliver a new 'world class' customer service programme across the company. Does anyone have any sugegstions for companies which can come in and design specific business/work culture training? Not just off a 'off the shelf' training course.
Lee Ames

5 Responses

  1. Customer Service
    Hi Lee

    This is something our company deos on both a one off basis and across whole organisations. We woul dbe interested in discussing putting together a proposal for you – if this is the way forward you want to go. Contact me at [email protected]



  2. What message does this send to your staff…
    Dear Lee

    The very survival of many organisations depends on the standard of customer service that they provide. Customer service is about far more than processes, it is about a key aspect of corporate culture.

    Whilst it can make a great deal of sense to outsource the provision of basic requirements like IT or Health and Safety training I am far more sceptical about outsourcing the development and delivery of training which is essentially linked to corporate culture and the performance of the business.

    My advice to you would be to develop the internal capacity of your own L&D function so you can pass this kind of work to them. Given appropriate training and the right resources I am sure they could turn in a highly effective result which is perfectly aligned with the corporate culture and business which they live and breath every day.

  3. Try LEAN
    Have a look at the LEAN process and anyone who can deliver it for you.

    Try Rob Worth, Worth solutions
    020 7754 5433

  4. Proven provider Ethos Consulting
    Hi Lee
    I suggest you contact Bruce Milroy at Ethos Consulting,[email protected] they have just been delivering world class customer service training for Aspinals, an entirely be-spoke design and delivery.


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