The United States Internet Council stated that the on-line population is more than 3,000 times bigger than seven years ago and the World Wide Web, the graphic-rich part of the Internet has perhaps over 2 billion pages.
This study also highlights that the Internet is no longer restricted to the US alone, but as more users are coming on-line in Europe and Asia, as well as the rest of the world, this is now turning the Internet into a multicultural, multilingual and multipolar utility.
A survey carried out by International Technology and Trade Associates, outlined that English-speaking users in North America continue to be the largest single block on the Internet, however the combined total from Europe and Asia are now outnumbering them. The survey highlighted that 51.3% of Internet users were english speakers, 78% of all web sites are still in english, as are 96% of electronic commerce sites.
The United States Internet Council have also urged governments worldwide to adopt the hands-off approach to most questions of Internet regulation, stating that the Internet is an amazing engine for economic growth. The council said that governments should rely on the Internet community to regulate itself, leaving it to be market-driven rather than government-directed.
This study also highlights that the Internet is no longer restricted to the US alone, but as more users are coming on-line in Europe and Asia, as well as the rest of the world, this is now turning the Internet into a multicultural, multilingual and multipolar utility.
A survey carried out by International Technology and Trade Associates, outlined that English-speaking users in North America continue to be the largest single block on the Internet, however the combined total from Europe and Asia are now outnumbering them. The survey highlighted that 51.3% of Internet users were english speakers, 78% of all web sites are still in english, as are 96% of electronic commerce sites.
The United States Internet Council have also urged governments worldwide to adopt the hands-off approach to most questions of Internet regulation, stating that the Internet is an amazing engine for economic growth. The council said that governments should rely on the Internet community to regulate itself, leaving it to be market-driven rather than government-directed.