Why, oh why, is it so hard to get into the wretched thing?
1.Elderly people with arthritis struggling to get the top off a bottle that seems to be glued on!
2.Door pads that want you to punch in numbers for access but you need a tiny pin to do so!
3. Written assembly instructions that require a mastery of logarithm tables to understand!
4. Information announcements over a loud speaker- coinciding with passing heavy rumbling trains!
5. Jargon that conveys a different meaning to you than was perhaps intended!
6. A notice that says "back in 10 minutes" - but from when?
7. Tiny closely written print on " terms and conditions" -therein lies your elephant trap!
8. Toilets for people with disabilities which say "the key can be obtained from..."
9. Reams of paperwork to complete at reception for a plastic badge -mountains of labour bring forth a mouse!
10. Hotel room keys that are flat and might or might not make the green light go on!
11.And, tiny cartons of UHT milk that are waiting to scattergun you as you "pull here"
Can you add to this list?

2 Responses
My personal gripe is when
My personal gripe is when clients have booked a venue for a course that is due to start at 9.30am and the venue tell you you can't get in til 9am because that's when they open! Giving you just 30 mins to get set up, go to the loo, tidy yourself up generally (that might be a girl thing!!!) and get your head straight before you are due to start!
And I absolutely agree about the "key for the disabled toilet" thing. As if being disabled isn't enough of a kick in the teeth, you have to announce to the world that you need to pee!
Oh, how we wish for everything to be so easy….
…no, I'm not trying to undermine the support for the differently-abled, but come on, guys, let's put things into perspective……..if life was really as easy as it could be, where would be the challenge? Where would be the satisfaction of getting to the end of the day with a feeling of accomplishment?
Don't you feel a frisson of success when you manage to get the milk into the coffee without spraying it all over yourself?
Don't you enjoy the new friend you make on the train when the pair of you look at each other and ask, "What the heck did he just say?"
Don't you enjoy the repartee of asking the receptionist why they need so much information in order to give you your little badge that allows you to be in their building for the day?
OK, so it would be nice if the bank didn't bounce payments when there are funds in the account, or if the car didn't run out of petrol even though the guage shows a quarter of a tank, or if the clients actually paid their bills on time so you didn't have to chase them but heck, you've got to have a hobby!
My bugbear is that I only wear glasses to read, but now I can't read my text messages without my glasses and every time I get a text message, I can't find my glasses….I used to wear my glasses on a string around my neck (and to heck with my wife saying "Shut that door, Everard"….which shows my age), but I've broken so many pairs of glasses getting the string caught on things that I have given that up since I keep having to buy new glasses.