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Hannah Gore

Quacquarelli Symonds (QS)

Head of People (EMEA & US)

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Beyond traditional training: AI feedback tools in modern L&D

Learning Experience Director Hannah Gore explores how AI-powered platforms are addressing key challenges in the world of L&D feedback.
worm's eye-view photography of ceiling: role of AI in L&D

The past 12 months have seen a dramatic shift in how L&D professionals approach training and professional development. With the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI), the realm of coaching and skills enhancement has been transformed. AI has introduced new ways to deliver training that is not only efficient but also immersive and personalised. 

As L&D departments adapt to this change, understanding the impact and potential of AI in training and professional development is crucial.

AI has revolutionised L&D by providing scalable, consistent, and adaptive training solutions. Over the past year, AI-powered platforms have become invaluable tools for delivering personalised learning experiences, offering real-time feedback, and enabling continuous improvement. 

These platforms have addressed some of the biggest challenges in traditional training methods, such as scalability, consistency, and engagement.

Common pros and cons


  • Scalability: AI platforms can deliver training to a large number of employees simultaneously, ensuring consistency in learning outcomes.
  • Personalisation: AI adapts to the individual learner's pace and style, providing customised feedback and development plans.
  • Immersive Experiences: Through advanced simulations and role-playing scenarios, AI creates realistic environments that enhance learning.
  • Efficiency: Automating routine training tasks frees up L&D professionals to focus on strategic initiatives.


  • Initial Investment: Implementing AI training platforms can be costly.
  • Technical Issues: Reliance on technology can lead to disruptions if technical issues arise.
  • Resistance to Change: Some employees and trainers may be hesitant to adopt new technologies.

Research and working groups for L&D professionals

L&D professionals should actively engage in researching AI technologies and forming working groups to explore best practices for integration. Key areas to focus on include:

  • Evaluating AI Tools: Assessing various AI platforms to determine which best fits the organisation's needs.
  • Implementation Strategies: Developing a roadmap for integrating AI into the existing L&D ecosystem.
  • Continuous Improvement: Establishing metrics and feedback loops to refine AI-based training programmes.

Integration into your learning development ecosystem

Integrating an AI feedback/communication training platform into your L&D programme offers numerous benefits. At my organisation, this integration has provided economies of scale and scope, delivering consistent and high-quality training experiences across the board. 

By delivering consistent training at scale, companies ensure that all employees receive the same high-quality development opportunities.

The AI-driven role-playing simulations are immersive, utilising background office sounds to create a realistic environment. This allows learners to practice their skills naturally, as opposed to the often stilted role plays of traditional methods.

The AI's sentiment mining capabilities are particularly impressive. The platform analyses the learner's words and tone, allowing the virtual avatar to respond appropriately based on the conversation's context. This dynamic interaction challenges learners to think on their feet and adapt their communication strategies in real-time.

The platform's difficulty ratings—ranging from easy to hard— have enabled learners to progressively develop and stretch their skills. Pre and post-assessments have provided detailed feedback on performance, highlighting areas for improvement and celebrating successes. 

These repeat learning experiences help employees continually refine their feedback style and communication skills.

Positive impact on business and ROI

The integration of AI training platforms can significantly impact business performance and return on investment (ROI). By delivering consistent training at scale, companies ensure that all employees receive the same high-quality development opportunities. This consistency is crucial for maintaining performance standards and closing skills gaps.

Begin with a pilot programme

AI training platforms also create a safe environment for employees to practice and develop their skills. Learners can experiment, make mistakes, and learn from them without the pressure of real-world consequences. This safe space is invaluable for building confidence and competence.

Moreover, automating some training experiences with AI allows L&D professionals to focus on other strategic projects. This increased bandwidth enables the L&D team to drive further innovation and support broader organisational goals.

Top tips for success

For organisations considering integrating AI tools and platforms into their professional development programmes, here are some top tips for success:

  1. Start Small: Begin with a pilot programme to test the AI platform's effectiveness and gather feedback from users.
  2. Engage Stakeholders: Involve key stakeholders early in the process to gain buy-in and support for the initiative.
  3. Continuous Learning: Encourage a culture of continuous learning and improvement, leveraging AI insights to refine training programmes.
  4. Measure Impact: Establish clear metrics to assess the platform's impact on employee performance and organisational goals.
  5. Provide Support: Offer training and resources to help employees and trainers adapt to the new technology.
  6. Iterate and Improve: Regularly review and update the AI training programme based on feedback and performance data.

Integrating AI feedback and communication training platforms into your L&D programme is a transformative step towards enhancing employee engagement, development, and performance. 

By leveraging AI's capabilities, organisations can provide immersive, personalised, and scalable training experiences that drive consistent results and support strategic objectives. 

Embracing this technology not only boosts ROI but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, positioning a company for sustained success in a rapidly evolving business landscape.

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Hannah Gore

Head of People (EMEA & US)

Read more from Hannah Gore