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How would you describe e-learning


I want to inform a group of tutors, by illustration, of the opportunities that ILT provides and the means of developing e-learning, in order to motivate them to use ILT. I am also looking for a clear and simple definition of e-learning.
The tutors will have good ICT skills but little knowledge of how they might use ILT to enhance learning.
Tony Williams

3 Responses

  1. Defining e learning

    Many people are spending their time racking theri brains on defining e learning. At the moment the Forum for Technology in Training ( and the E Learning Network ( pooling their collective brain power to come up with a definition. You could try these two sites as a start, also check out the British Association of Open Learning (

    For me it is the use of technology to enhance the learning process.


  2. E-learning – a useful resource

    The Institute of IT Training will be able to provide you with a lot of information on the subject of e-learning. They are based at Warwick Science Park.
    Best of luck

  3. Definitions of e-learning

    Here are a few definitions:

    “We define e-learning as learning that is delivered, enabled or mediated by electronic technology for the explicit purpose of training in organisations. It does not include stand-alone technology-based training such as the use of CD-ROMS in isolation.”

    CIPD (

    “A combination of learning services and technology to provide high-value integrated learning any time, any place.”

    eLearnity White Paper (

    “Learning in which information and communications technology is used to promote connections: between one learner and other learners, between learners and tutors; between a learning community and its learning resources.”

    Prof. Peter Goodyear, Networked Learning in Higher Education

    “Using technology to enable learning”

    Multiple sources

    The biggest barrier to overcome is people’s misconceptions of what e-learning is about. Perhaps in your first session you could work with the tutors to discuss their current perceptions? And since they are tutors, to reassure them that the objective is to enhance learning using technology as an enabler, not to use technology to replace them!

    I find that good example case studies broaden people’s minds to the opportunities for e-learning. If you can demonstrate solutions in your line of business, people take note. Combine that with a good list of the best uses of e-learning (and the areas where it is not the optimal solution). Maybe work with them on potential ideas in their own teaching areas to make it real?

    By the way, I’m not sure what you define as “ILT”, but mostly it means Instructor Led Training which equates to classroom, which I guess is not what you want your tutors to be exploring.

    Hope this helps,

    Sue Honore