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Neil Seligman

The Conscious Professional


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Call to Action for Conscious Professionals in 5 Qs


It is trite to say these remain peculiarly disruptive times, yet they do. Disruption in any system inspires change by shifting the energetic field of possibility and potential. So in today’s tumultuous world, we have a daily opportunity to reassess and refocus our activities.

More profoundly we have a moment-to-moment opportunity to cultivate our thoughts in new directions and with increased intention.

If you are feeling the call to level up your Conscious impact today, read on for 5 questions that will help you reflect and make a plan.

1. How Consciously Are You Taking Care of Your Body and Awareness?

This is question number one because without it – we need not bother with the rest. The pandemic has reinforced the teaching that health is primary. Your wellbeing is the foundation of any and all impact you wish to effect in the world and the degree to which you have learned to nurture the needs of your body and awareness will correlate to your capacity to care consciously for those around you and lead effectively. Wellbeing is a lifelong practice – so keep coming back to the body and the being, get quiet, and contemplate what you need today.

2. How Happy Are You in Your Circle of Primary Relationships?

Your relationships hold the energy of your advancement and evolution. Sometimes periods of drama and unhappiness in our primary relationships are required to bring forth new layers of wisdom. Relational patterns repeat until we have embodied the learnings. Reflect on your current circle of primary relationships and consider what level of harmony is present. Are there lessons that you are resisting? Are there new opportunities for you to embody compassion, generosity, clarity, patience, love, leadership, and boundaries? Breathe into the reflection and feel your way to the answers inside your body which show up as sensations, images, and direct cognitive knowing.

3. How Aligned Are You With Your Career?

I see so many professionals trapped by their success – brilliant at what they do yet disheartened that having reached the pinnacle of their ambition has come without the personal fulfillment they were expecting. I learned the hard way that there is a huge difference between success and personal/professional alignment.

As a young well-regarded Barrister in London in my 20’s I was considered to have made it. Yet deep down I knew that it wasn’t right for me. If I was going to be spending my energy just once in this lifetime I felt a personal drive to ensure that this energy would be impactful in a way that felt meaningful to my soul. I became disheartened with my impact as a lawyer and knew that change was needed. My personal symptoms of misalignment ranged from frustration to boredom, irritation to over-spending and increasing amounts of stress.

As I stepped away and into my new work, I began to know the true power of alignment which is very different from success. Whilst success is predominantly egoic, the alignment goes far deeper. Consequently, whilst the ego is never satisfied, no matter how many awards, things, or money you gather, the gifts of alignment are peace, purpose, and a distinct feeling of having and more importantly being, enough.

Whilst success is easily lauded by others, alignment is a little quieter, and once you have it, you don’t need others to tell you well done. So now is the time to reflect on how aligned you are feeling in your work and whether you are now being called into a higher vibration.

4. How Does Your Work/Company Impact The Wider World?

When it comes to the many challenges facing our planet, corporations and their unconscious behaviours along with failures of government lie at the heart of the problem. It is now time for anyone who considers themselves a Conscious Professional to look closely at the organisation of which they are a part and advocate strongly for change where needed to align the vision, mission, and interests of the business with the wider interests of our global human family and planetary home.

5. How Open Is Your Heart?

Now is not a time for pessimism or futility. As John Kabat-Zinn repeated several times in a session I attended recently: ‘It is all hands on deck on planet Earth!’

The way through our current crisis requires us to overcome our intelligence and become wise. We do this by including heartful awareness in our decision-making, cultivating a mindful presence in ourselves, and speaking up for conscious solutions at every opportunity.

The opportunity here is huge. We can step out from the heaviness of unconscious awareness and into the light of a higher vibration. Conscious Leadership is a journey that calls on us to open our hearts to the possibility of a new way and we are not alone in this endeavour.

I have it on good authority that there is support all around.

Mindfulness and Conscious Leadership Expert, Neil Seligman is dedicated to delivering inspiring learning experiences and catalysing conscious creativity in all aspects of life and business. 


It is trite to say these remain peculiarly disruptive times, yet they do. Disruption in any system inspires change by shifting the energetic field of possibility and potential. So in today’s tumultuous world, we have a daily opportunity to reassess and refocus our activities.

More profoundly we have a moment-to-moment opportunity to cultivate our thoughts in new directions and with increased intention.

If you are feeling the call to level up your Conscious impact today, read on for 5 questions that will help you reflect and make a plan.

1. How Consciously Are You Taking Care of Your Body and Awareness?

This is question number one because without it – we need not bother with the rest. The pandemic has reinforced the teaching that health is primary. Your wellbeing is the foundation of any and all impact you wish to effect in the world and the degree to which you have learned to nurture the needs of your body and awareness will correlate to your capacity to care consciously for those around you and lead effectively. Wellbeing is a lifelong practice – so keep coming back to the body and the being, get quiet, and contemplate what you need today.

2. How Happy Are You in Your Circle of Primary Relationships?

Your relationships hold the energy of your advancement and evolution. Sometimes periods of drama and unhappiness in our primary relationships are required to bring forth new layers of wisdom. Relational patterns repeat until we have embodied the learnings. Reflect on your current circle of primary relationships and consider what level of harmony is present. Are there lessons that you are resisting? Are there new opportunities for you to embody compassion, generosity, clarity, patience, love, leadership, and boundaries? Breathe into the reflection and feel your way to the answers inside your body which show up as sensations, images, and direct cognitive knowing.

3. How Aligned Are You With Your Career?

I see so many professionals trapped by their success – brilliant at what they do yet disheartened that having reached the pinnacle of their ambition has come without the personal fulfillment they were expecting. I learned the hard way that there is a huge difference between success and personal/professional alignment.

As a young well-regarded Barrister in London in my 20’s I was considered to have made it. Yet deep down I knew that it wasn’t right for me. If I was going to be spending my energy just once in this lifetime I felt a personal drive to ensure that this energy would be impactful in a way that felt meaningful to my soul. I became disheartened with my impact as a lawyer and knew that change was needed. My personal symptoms of misalignment ranged from frustration to boredom, irritation to over-spending and increasing amounts of stress.

As I stepped away and into my new work, I began to know the true power of alignment which is very different from success. Whilst success is predominantly egoic, the alignment goes far deeper. Consequently, whilst the ego is never satisfied, no matter how many awards, things, or money you gather, the gifts of alignment are peace, purpose, and a distinct feeling of having and more importantly being, enough.

Whilst success is easily lauded by others, alignment is a little quieter, and once you have it, you don’t need others to tell you well done. So now is the time to reflect on how aligned you are feeling in your work and whether you are now being called into a higher vibration.

4. How Does Your Work/Company Impact The Wider World?

When it comes to the many challenges facing our planet, corporations and their unconscious behaviours along with failures of government lie at the heart of the problem. It is now time for anyone who considers themselves a Conscious Professional to look closely at the organisation of which they are a part and advocate strongly for change where needed to align the vision, mission, and interests of the business with the wider interests of our global human family and planetary home.

5. How Open Is Your Heart?

Now is not a time for pessimism or futility. As John Kabat-Zinn repeated several times in a session I attended recently: ‘It is all hands on deck on planet Earth!’

The way through our current crisis requires us to overcome our intelligence and become wise. We do this by including heartful awareness in our decision-making, cultivating a mindful presence in ourselves, and speaking up for conscious solutions at every opportunity.

The opportunity here is huge. We can step out from the heaviness of unconscious awareness and into the light of a higher vibration. Conscious Leadership is a journey that calls on us to open our hearts to the possibility of a new way and we are not alone in this endeavour.

I have it on good authority that there is support all around.

Mindfulness and Conscious Leadership Expert, Neil Seligman is dedicated to delivering inspiring learning experiences and catalysing conscious creativity in all aspects of life and business.