Congratulations to sarah holroyd who has won last month’s caption competition…
“This lady is not for turning – not without assistance at any rate. “
Photo credit: Rex Features
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Congratulations to sarah holroyd who has won last month's caption competition...
"This lady is not for turning - not without assistance at any rate. "
Photo credit: Rex Features
In order to enter our caption competitions you now need to sign in to become a registered member of either LeadershipZone or TrainingZone - membership is entirely free.
26 Responses
Spitting Image puppet put into storage
Mrs. Thatcher might once have announced she bought all her underwear from M&S, but everything is clearly bought in car boot sales these days
That’ll show them I still know how to handle the Press
Now what did I come in here for?
Officer! Someone’s stolen my left arm!
caption competition
I must at last be a great leader, just one good arm – look at Napoleon!
This lady is not for turning – not without assistance at any rate.
above comment..
Isn’t the above comment offensive to older people? I don’t find it funny at all.
Sooty puppeteer secret identity revealed…
I knew it was her all along!
Ha Haaa – serves you right for going on holiday you nasty little man…I’m back!
Caption Competition
U-turn if you want to. The lady’s not for turning…my jumpers stuck on the bleedin fence!
We have re-trained as an imitation artist, our forte is leaders of yesteryear.
“It’s stuck, it’s stuck!”
“Just keep smiling, I’ve sent the nice policeman for some WD40”
‘Only one working arm’ – Just one possible side effect of not drinking enough milk at school…
Been here, done that, got the cardigan
Yoo Hoo, Mr Cameron
Nothing to the left ever works properly.
I’d give my left arm to be ambidextrous.
Thatcher was a dummy
World shocked by ventriloquist’s confession!
Caption Competition
Remeber to wave maam or they will think this is Madam Tussauds!
Left wing disabled!
Home help
Yes Dear, of course you was.
Now come and sit down, Countdown is about to start.
Bless her
Mrs Thatcher was happy to respond, when asked recently ‘Who’s to blame for sinking the General Belgrano and killing approx 1,000 Argentinian sailors?’
Oh bother…no hokey kokey for me!
I know I’m known as the Iron Lady
But I haven’t come here to press your clothes for you
Now then Margaret, when you get on the bus you’ll need to raise the arm a little higher
Mr Brown, do you want to borrow some money, I have my purse with me