and the winner is…
This month’s winning caption: “With so many mouths to feed – Perhaps Wally should have spent more time away from his wife fishing”
Congratulations to AUDREY who has won this month’s caption competition! A bottle of wine will be winging its way to you.
In order to enter our caption competitions you need to sign in to become a registered member of either LeadershipZone or TrainingZone – membership is entirely free.
and the winner is...
This month's winning caption: "With so many mouths to feed - Perhaps Wally should have spent more time away from his wife fishing"
Congratulations to AUDREY who has won this month's caption competition! A bottle of wine will be winging its way to you.
In order to enter our caption competitions you need to sign in to become a registered member of either LeadershipZone or TrainingZone - membership is entirely free.
21 Responses
Caption Competition
Eric totally misunderstood the concept of River Severn fishing
With so many mouths to feed
Perhaps Wally should have spent more time away from his wife fishing
After seven Great White Sharks were seen taking the bait
Wu was last seen water-skiing towards open sea
Caption Competition
Who said men can’t multi-task?– Terry George MCIPD Training Consultant
Plenty o’ fish in the sea
After his most recent break up, old Charlie took the concept of “theres’s plenty more fish in the sea” quite literally…
Slave driver
It’s so unfair how hard my boss drives me nowadays…
Caption competition
Cousin Abe will now demonstrate what marketing directors think consumer choice is really about.
After hearing his complaints for so long, Geppetto finally told Pinnochio… “ So you wanna be a real boy huh? Well, lets see you swim like a real boy!!!”.
Give a man a fish
Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Give a man a 7 pronged fishing rod and he eats for a week!
Caption Competition
Pedro gives the fish a fighting chance by playing Eeny Meeny Miny Mo
I’m multitasking, grandpa.
Caption Competition
Spectators stayed away from this years Fish Slalom competition due to lack of visibility.
Jim-Bob took Confucius literally…"give a man a fish and feed him for a day, teach him how to fish and feed him for a lifetime"…..
caption comp
I work in HR. Here is a picture of me at work, pushing water uphill with a fork!!
Caption Competition
"Extreme Fishing" next series preview – is this a new challenge for Robson Green, or have they gone "back to basics"?
Caption Competition
Maybe I got this "Efforts translate into results" thing all wrong.
Mafia outsourcing
Due to non-payment of protection money durnig the recession, the Mafia are sending so many business owners to ‘sleep with the fishes’ that they have now outsourced the operation to Asia.
Underwater puppet theatre fails to catch on
The British government has said that the teaching of Shakespeare should be compulsory in all schools, however following trials of the RSC’s new underwater puppet theatre production of Hamlet, a school of young trout were said to be ‘unimpressed’.
Local man “wouldn’t touch installation art with a bargepole”
Oh wait, it looks like he already has…
Lunch Break
Huckleberry Finn takes a break from his adventures along the Mississippi River.
Caption Competition
Sorry, my response to the caption competition whislt underwater isnt going too well amid all the airbubbles :-s