“I don’t like liars, I don’t like cheats. I don’t like bullshitters. I don’t like schmoozers. I don’t like arse-lickers.” So what am I doing here?
Congratulations to ianmcbrown who won November’s caption competition – he fought off some strong competition but it certainly made us here at TZ Towers chuckle. Well done – a copy of Sir Ranaulph’s book will be winging its way to you shortly!
Photo credit: Rex Features
"I don't like liars, I don't like cheats. I don't like bullshitters. I don't like schmoozers. I don't like arse-lickers." So what am I doing here?
Congratulations to ianmcbrown who won November's caption competition - he fought off some strong competition but it certainly made us here at TZ Towers chuckle. Well done - a copy of Sir Ranaulph's book will be winging its way to you shortly!
Photo credit: Rex Features
33 Responses
Caption competition
Lord Amstranded !
Gi’s a job Santa, am I in the right place for interviews? .
Er …
Are there any other ex-barrowboys here?
Is there anybody here
Who speaks anything other than Latin?
You mean all of us
Have worked at Butlin’s?
Caption Competition
Lord’s Health Warning: Everyone’s given up on Sugar!
Apprentice in 12 days of Xmas challenge..
Caption Competition
Where’s Wally?
Caption Contest
Lord Sugar tries to convey his dismay at the H&S risks of encouraging any lords to leap…
Caption Competition
Thought this was London not Coventry!
Government Of All the Talents (GOATs)
Good Old Alan’s Thinking, "Margaret – get me out of here !"
"two, three…its a jump to the left….and a step to the ri..i..i..i..i..ight…put your hands on your hips…"
You were fired, and I know you were, and you……..
Opening Parliment
How long does this opening mullarky last? My Sleighs on a meter and I will not be yo ho bloody yoing if I get a ticket!
Santa … you’re fired!
If just ONE more person comes up to me and says "Santa, you’re fired!" …
Caption Competition
Too many bloody Santas and not enough Elves if you ask my opinion !
Caption Competition
Help!I’m only an Apprentice Lord! NICK…..!!! MARGARET……!!!
So much for originality then?
Caption Competition
"I thought this was supposed to be the opening of Parliament not the bloody opening of a Father Christmas conference!"
Right, listen up you lot. There’s only room for one bigmouth in this organisation, and that’s me.
Oh kiss me in the …….!
Bloody typical ! – they can’t even get the Hokey Cokey right !
Sugar’s own words from The Apprentice
"I don’t like liars, I don’t like cheats. I don’t like bullshitters. I don’t like schmoozers. I don’t like arse-lickers."
So what am I doing here?
The guy at the store told me that it was a one of a kind.
caption comp
Alright, alright, I’ve heard enough, you’re carrying on like a load of fishwives, Santas….your’e fired!!!
Does this tie make me look fat?
caption competition
Would someone please tell me where I can get the required competency framework?
caption competition
I feel like a pork pie at a Bah mitzvah!
Caption comp
"I think this is taking the role play exercise a bit too far! …."
"I thought I would at least find one match on my people bingo card…"
Perfect match
There seems to be a glitch with the new dating agency software
Lord Sugar
I don’t think much to this year’s bunch of apprentice wannabe’s!
Damn – I knew I should have taken that opportunity to invest in ermine cloaks last year.
I was there …..
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhofar_Rebellion (Fiennes)
+ Peter de la Billière ( http://www.britains-smallwars.com/gulf/Billiere.html )
+ Me!
Where is my book? 😉
Don’t you just hate it when someone else comes in the same outfit as you?! What were the chances of us all wearing the same?