Being able to ask good quality open questions is an essential skill in all jobs – from a manager helping a staff member with a performance issue through to a customer services assistant diagnosing a customer service problem. (I wish somebody would tell radio interviewers this when they persist in posing closed or leading questions!)
Most people have heard of the 5 W's and the H way of asking open questions (What; Why; When; Who; Where; How).
"The wise man doesn't give the right answers, he poses the right questions"
However there is another way using TED:
+ Tell
+ Explain
+ Describe
For example:
– Tell me what happened
– Tell us how you produced that report
– Tell me about something that went well this year
– Explain what the customer said when they phoned
– Explain your idea for improving the system
– Explain what you mean
– Describe what you would like to see as a solution
– Describe how you would solve the problem
– Describe the customer's attitude when they came in this morning
One manager who attended our training said a week later that he had been 'tedding' all week!
This content is drawn from our 1 day Communication Skills course materials.
Bryan Edwards is Managing Director of ABC Training Solutions Ltd ( which delivers training and markets a range of fully-designed, ready to deliver workshops, self study packs and other training exercises for the busy trainer. He can be contacted on 07747 602215 or
Being able to ask good quality open questions is an essential skill in all jobs - from a manager helping a staff member with a performance issue through to a customer services assistant diagnosing a customer service problem. (I wish somebody would tell radio interviewers this when they persist in posing closed or leading questions!)
Most people have heard of the 5 W's and the H way of asking open questions (What; Why; When; Who; Where; How).
"The wise man doesn't give the right answers, he poses the right questions"
However there is another way using TED:
+ Tell
+ Explain
+ Describe
For example:
- Tell me what happened
- Tell us how you produced that report
- Tell me about something that went well this year
- Explain what the customer said when they phoned
- Explain your idea for improving the system
- Explain what you mean
- Describe what you would like to see as a solution
- Describe how you would solve the problem
- Describe the customer's attitude when they came in this morning
One manager who attended our training said a week later that he had been 'tedding' all week!
This content is drawn from our 1 day Communication Skills course materials.
Bryan Edwards is Managing Director of ABC Training Solutions Ltd ( which delivers training and markets a range of fully-designed, ready to deliver workshops, self study packs and other training exercises for the busy trainer. He can be contacted on 07747 602215 or