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Customer Service based Team Building Exercise or Game…


With such a short time to present this I'm struggling a little to come up with something that will have a "High Impact".

I'd greatly appreciate any suggestions or direction to an appropriate website.

Got to have it ready by 4pm tomorrow.

Any assistance would be welcomed.
Sandy McLachlan

2 Responses

  1. Customer Service
    Try this…Ask the team to each identify one positive or negative experience as a customer(internal or external)BUT in their replies/feedback,they must wrap the incident/experience around one of the following factors which impact on CUSTOMER CARE,
    Attitude-including any equality/diversity dimensions
    Communication- written/spoken/face to face
    Management Failure-to train/motivate
    Systems and PRocedures-inflexibility

    Another good one to a user friendly OR unfriendly organisation where all the foregoing factors feature
    Good luck


  2. visual impact
    I agree with William Chadwick – identifying personal experiences of good/bad customer service works really well and from my experience really puts things in context for CS staff.

    If you want something really lighthearted and fun – perhaps as an introduction to training – split the group into groups of 3-4 and ask them to draw on flip chart paper the animal they believe best represents a great customer service advisor (typical egs are owls because they are wise, dolphins (intelligent and popular) and even ants – hard workers pulling together as a team, get a lot done etc but hardly noticed! Plus of course various combinations!

    Hope this helps