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I am looking to improve the general IT and typing skills in my company and think that the most effective way would be to use networked CBT packages which staff can access at anytime and work through modules at their own pace. I would be looking for Word 97, Excel 97, Access 97 and MS Outlook 97 as well as a package for typing skills. The catch is that I work for a charity and therefore would have an extremely limited budget.
Can anyone recommend any solutions?
Claire Parker

5 Responses

  1. on-line & CDRom based ECDL packages?
    Claire, have you considered looking for supplier of online or CD based European Computer Driving Licence packages?

    As far as cost goes, are there no providers in your area that have access to European Social Funding (in fact as a charity there is always the possibility you could apply for funding yourselves). Also consider Individual Learning Accounts to reduce costs by up to 80%.

    If you want to discuss contact me.

  2. Excellent CBT materials
    I have just reviewed a package called Microsoft Office training (various versions and levels are available). It is produced by a company called BVG and is available from most suppliers. Basically, it’s very user friendly, easy to get to grips with & interesting too. Sensible format & structure and because of the variety of levels people can build on skills. Reasonably priced too

  3. KAZ keyboard trainer/Mavis Beacon
    KAZ CBT gets the job done & teaches people the basics of touch typing; it then builds on skills as the CBT progresses. Designed so that you don’t have to keep re-doing certain aspects but you can, should you need to! I did think it was perhaps designed for a younger audience (graphics used etc) but, it works as long as people practice & use it.

    Mavis Beacon is an excellent CBT touch typing program. Enjoyable interaction, that makes touch typing fun (if possible!) Suitable for adults & younger people.

    Not sure about the costs of these though….

  4. Free Ware
    You can download a typing tutor from the internet foc. It is called KP Typing Tutor. It is fairly basic, but gets the job done and has various lessons and skills, so you can pick and choose where you start. Again, at no cost, it is worth looking at.