I need to source suppliers of training software/materials in order that I can run in house training courses in Word, Excel, Powerpoint etc. Can anyone recommend potential suppliers?
David Pryce

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I need to source suppliers of training software/materials in order that I can run in house training courses in Word, Excel, Powerpoint etc. Can anyone recommend potential suppliers?
David Pryce
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9 Responses
Excellent materials
We bought our stuff from Sanscrip on 01785 224600. Find them at http://www.sanscrip.co.uk.
We bought an unlimited reproductions license with the materials supplied in editable electronic format, so we could put our own brand/logo on, and they also came with example files, student work books, student reference books, and trainer guides. Excellent and ECDL compliant!
have a look at
Corporate learning who write the IT training news for trainingzone supply technical courses, they may be able to help, there is a link to them from the it training news section of this site
Thomson Learning
Thomson Learning have a comprehensive list o f courseware titles. If you look at http://www.course.com you can search through their catalogue. Their UK tel no is:020 7497 1422
Simon Champion
Program IT (UK) Ltd
Have you considered e-learning?
You could well find that using e-learning is a cost effective and flexible way to meet your needs. 21stnetwork offer about 160 online courses including the ones you refer to. We will customise a web page to your company logo etc.. so that it becomes your company training site. Visit http://www.learnwithus.co.uk for more details and to try a free course
Try an independent supplier
Try an independent supplier who has access to all the leading IT ranges, this will allow you to evaluate any content you desire and get advice on delivery and support.
Try us at http://www.mmt.uk.com or phone 0208 7441624
IT Training Materials
CiA Training produce excellent workbooks and trainer guides to support all MS products. Please contact me at alun@openmind-learning.co.uk if you’d like more details.
Alun Harvey
Local Libraries!
Try your local library. Ours (Greenstead/Colchester) has loads of MS tutorials on CDRom & in book form that can be loaned on long issue to ‘students’. It’s much cheaper than buying a course, and you can update as & when, for no cost! Can’t be bad!
Office 2000 Books
It’s also worth having a look at the Microsoft 2000 Bible series published by IDG Books. There are individual books for Word, Excel, Powerpoint etc as well as a combined book. They are written by different authors.
I used a company called EBVT when teaching CGLI 7261 courses. I am not sure if they produce general manuals, but their books and CD’s were excellently presented.
They are based in Nottingham but I don’t have their phone no to hand