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Jon Kennard


Freelance writer

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L&D news round-up: 18 Dec


Last news round-up til 2015. But it's a good one...

Scottish councils to share £6.5m for vocational training - BBC Scotland

But is it enough?

7 Leadership Takeaways From The Battlefield To The Boardroom - Forbes

Some interesting insight from Forbes - complete with a great Einstein quote.

There Is No Shortage of Leaders - Harvard Business Review

Apparently it's an alignment issue. 

These are the top 25 most employable skills of 2014 (according to LinkedIn) - City AM

How many of these can you tick off?

Learning is Evolving: 10 Key E-Learning Trends for 2015 - TrainingZone

6,000 reads in a week!

Learning and Development: 2015’s trends and avoiding ‘one-size-fits-all’ - HC Online

Another trend list - which will endure and which will fall away?

Google reveals top searches for 2014 - Beta News

It's what you would expect.

Scientists decipher the meaning of a cow's moo - The Week

Good article. Great headline.

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Jon Kennard

Freelance writer

Read more from Jon Kennard