This exercise has been around for ages now and I've seen it used loads, but does anyone know who owns the copywrite for Lost at Sea? I want to do the right thing with regards crediting the owner etc, but I cannot find anything concrete (Google seach is inconclusive). Cheers lovely people.
2 Responses
Hi Jane,
Hi Jane,
I can’t find any copyright around the idea of the exercise itself, but you can reference the author/creator of the specific template you use, for example this one is by Grahame Know at Insight:
So perhaps it’s better to credit the specific site/person whose resource you have used or been inspired by, seeing as it seems to hard to find an original source! Hope that helps 🙂
That’s great, thanks. I’ve
That’s great, thanks. I’ve emailed Graham to see if he does actually own the copyright on this, and if I can use it with his blessing if I credit him accordingly. Thanks again.