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On-Line Blend – a new trend in learning


Virtual university styled distance learning, combined with live business school type tutorial discussion groups, is a first in a new trend of on-line learning, recently introduced by the Virtual Management Group of Harrogate.

Dubbed On-Line Blend, by Elliott Masie of the Masie Institute in the USA,.a leading authority on on-line learning, it brings the best of on-line learning and instructor led training right to the manager's desk. At the recent WOLCE conference Masie tipped it as the most important new trends in on-line learning.

The Virtual Management Group's fresh approach to management development taps into the power of the Internet it delivers customized, world class, change and business management material, while harnessing the flexibility of modern telecommunications to conduct fortnightly group TeleTutorials, and provide a one to one Tutor-on-Call service. "It kills the time, distance and cost obstacles of conventional management learning", says Richard Bosworth, founder of the Virtual Management Group.

This new approach fast tracks to success managers and teams, who are too busy to learn. The outcome focused, interactive, action learning allows them to immediately put into practice what they are learning, building on their successes and learning from the snafus.

As a result, bigger improvements and savings are achieved, through providing real time experiential, on the job, supported learning. "In turn, Businesses move ahead faster and more confidently", says Bosworth, "as the process gives fresh ideas and inputs to managers, opening their eyes to new opportunities and changing their thinking and out look".

With increased success comes a new buzz in the Business, as concrete results and improvements are achieved more rapidly, with less effort and without them costing more, so upping the bottom line results.

There are four e-learning options available. The first is the Virtual Executive Development Programmes, designed and tailored to meet the specific management and business development needs of a group of managers, many of whom may not be on the same site.

The second is the Scheduled Virtual Open Short Courses. These are for managers who want just-in-time training and development to enhance specific knowledge, skills or competencies, possibly highlighted in performance or 360 degree reviews.

For top executives who want to keep abreast of the latest global business trends and interact with the gurus and experts, without disrupting they busy schedules there are the TeleForum Master Classes.

Self Directed Internal Consulting is the fourth option. It uses the power of facilitated TeleForums to tap into and harness the knowledge, expertise and know how in the Organisation to master the constraints to success. Once enrolled the managers receive their programme material over the Net or in hard copy, along with the TeleTutorial link up details. As part of the first TeleTutorial, the operating procedures for the Programme and the key tele-etiquette points are discussed.

Each TeleTutorial is facilitated by a programme expert / specialist who encourages the exchange of thoughts, ideas and observations about the study material, plus gaining commitment to applying the new ideas in the Business. The feed back on the lessons from previous application experiences is a key part of the TeleTutorial.

Between TeleTutorials, the participants can call their Tutor-On-Call and any problems or concerns they may have about the programme and the application exercises.

To keep everyone on their toes on-line questionnaires, quizzes and rapid action exercises are sent out over the Net and discussed during the TeleTutorials.

The process is designed for everyone from the Boardroom to Front Line Managers, anyone who needs and wants to improve their performance and has access to a phone. Each programme is specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of the participants and organisation.

Richard M Bosworth
The Virtual Management Group Ltd
111 Park Place
Park Parade

Tel: 01423 566 337

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