WASP is a popular model to structure a recruitment interview. We’ve converted the W.A.S.P. stages into a series of behavioural competencies. It can be used to self-assess when interviewing or use as a checklist to observe other recruiters’ interviews as part of their coaching plan.
- Settles candidate in (e.g. refreshments; permission to remove jacket)
- Generates small talk (e.g. Introductions; “How was journey?”; “Did you find us okay?”; “What’s your first impressions of us?”)
- Explains interview structure/ duration
- Mentions own note taking (so will be giving less eye contact to candidate)
- Encourages candidate questions and explains at what stage they can ask
- Refers to points from application form/c.v. (areas requiring expansion; anomalies and clarifications)
- Uses competency based questioning where appropriate
- Avoids potential discriminatory questions unless necessary and provides clear reasoning for question
- Explores candiate’s motivation for job/ organisation
- Demonstrates active listening (e.g. eye contact; listening noises)
- Explores other information (e.g. desired salary, any hols booked, notice period)
- Demonstrates positive body language
- Describes vacant role enthusiastically
- Supplies positive, inspirational information about company and benefits to employee
- Asks for candidate questions
- Answers questions positively
- Confirms candidate’s interest in position
- Explores candidate’s other job applications to test out ‘competition’ (e.g. “How are your other job applications going?”)
- Informs of next stage with timescales
- Checks for any further candidate questions
- Thanks for attending
Bryan Edwards is Managing Director of ABC Training Solutions Ltd (www.abctrainingsolutions.biz) which delivers training and markets a range of fully-designed, ready to deliver workshops, self study packs and other training exercises for the busy trainer. He can be contacted on 07747 602215 or info@abctrainingsolutions.biz
WASP is a popular model to structure a recruitment interview. We've converted the W.A.S.P. stages into a series of behavioural competencies. It can be used to self-assess when interviewing or use as a checklist to observe other recruiters' interviews as part of their coaching plan.
- Settles candidate in (e.g. refreshments; permission to remove jacket)
- Generates small talk (e.g. Introductions; "How was journey?"; "Did you find us okay?"; "What's your first impressions of us?")
- Explains interview structure/ duration
- Mentions own note taking (so will be giving less eye contact to candidate)
- Encourages candidate questions and explains at what stage they can ask
- Refers to points from application form/c.v. (areas requiring expansion; anomalies and clarifications)
- Uses competency based questioning where appropriate
- Avoids potential discriminatory questions unless necessary and provides clear reasoning for question
- Explores candiate's motivation for job/ organisation
- Demonstrates active listening (e.g. eye contact; listening noises)
- Explores other information (e.g. desired salary, any hols booked, notice period)
- Demonstrates positive body language
- Describes vacant role enthusiastically
- Supplies positive, inspirational information about company and benefits to employee
- Asks for candidate questions
- Answers questions positively
- Confirms candidate’s interest in position
- Explores candidate’s other job applications to test out ‘competition’ (e.g. “How are your other job applications going?”)
- Informs of next stage with timescales
- Checks for any further candidate questions
- Thanks for attending
Bryan Edwards is Managing Director of ABC Training Solutions Ltd (www.abctrainingsolutions.biz) which delivers training and markets a range of fully-designed, ready to deliver workshops, self study packs and other training exercises for the busy trainer. He can be contacted on 07747 602215 or info@abctrainingsolutions.biz