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Skills of self-employed are valuable for employees too


Statistics confirm that self-employed people display a stronger set of work skills that helps them achieve more. That's the claim in a new study from the USA, "How to Get Everything Done (And Still Have a Life)" by Charles
Mallory. He advises: Pass these tips on at your next training session or employee meeting, and watch your coworkers do more with their workday!

1. Be prepared for ongoing work-related change.
2. Treat office equipment and supplies as if you bought them.
3. If you're in the position to hire, spend more for higher quality people.
4. Don't blame others. Be a do-it-yourselfer.
5. Don't lose the personal touch. Maintain contacts.
6. Don't burn bridges.
7. Have a once-a-year date to send a thank-you card to valued associates.
8. Relax, but not too much.
9. Don't let constant talkers waste your time.
10. Find items of interest to others and send them to appropriate coworkers and associates to show your thoughtfulness.
11. Be visible at work, even when it's not work you're doing.
12. Don't work to the point of exhaustion before you take time to relax.
13. Don't be so organized that your forget to listen.
14. Shrink your office to be more efficient.
15. Pay attention to your competitors, even if it's not necessarily your job.
16. Respect other peoples' styles.
17. Share your secrets of success.
18. Give yourself a pat on the back.
19. Perform above and beyond expectations.
20. Realize that no one becomes completely organized overnight.

Source:How to Get Everything Done (And Still Have a Life) by Charles Mallory, Copyright 1997, American Media Inc. Reproduced with permission.