Networking and Winning


For a couple of weeks our television was dominated by the European Athletics Championship. This was not necessarily my choice, but it could have been worse – in our household we managed to completely avoid the national obsession with Love Island! What struck me most, watching the athletics, was the friendliness of the games. Time […]

3 Essential Guidelines to Hire a Diversity Officer


Diversity has been a prime focus of many organizations for the past 20 years. However, the discussion started heating up more than ever over the past year. Google engineer James Damore created controversy when he released his memo on biological differences between male and female employees last summer. This drove more organizations to evaluate their […]

Sentenced to life-long learning – and what a great thing it is


Life-long learning doesn’t just happen – time needs to be carved out and motivation needs to be sustained. Have you got what it takes? A life sentence might sound pretty onerous and negative. But so can the notion of “learning for life”. It’s something that we may pay lip service to but do we actually do […]

Leadership development: how to create ‘cooling spaces’ in the heat of uncertainty


Self-reflection, or ‘cooling space’, is an underrated commodity in today’s working environment but it’s essential to ensuring that leaders keep a clear head and are responsive to change.   The heat is on for the leaders of today. We are living in an age of uncertainty. In the retail sector alone we’ve seen headlines about […]

Instilling tech-savvy values into your company


You need to become familiar with how to get the most out of your workplace. In this regard, your networking capabilities are crucial. Not only do you need to have the best infrastructure in place, it’s also vital that you train people in a way that makes them savvy with their web use and communication. […]

My expectations are too high. How do I lower them?


A client at the iNLP Center said the following (and I got permission to post this): I’m a big dreamer. I always imagine myself being very successful if I take a certain path but I when I fail I get very disappointed when I don’t meet those exceptions. How can I lower my expectations? Here’s how […]

People management: why introverts make great leaders


Introverts have the potential to be great leaders but in order to bring out the best in them organisations need to provide the right executive coaching. The term ‘introvert’ is rarely associated with great leadership. Introverts tend to shy away from blowing their own trumpets and as a result, you don’t hear about many in […]

Stuck on a Goal? Here’s How to Get Aligned


I interviewed one of our life coaching students, Heather, about what she learned in the course and how she is applying her NLP and coaching skills from the iNLP Center. She found a great way to integrate goal-setting with mind maps. Here’s what she reported. Thanks, Heather! I’ve had this great idea for a small business […]

Overwhelmed by Thinking? Try This


There’s enough to think about for most of us without thinking too much about thinking itself.  But as a mindfulness teacher and keen thought-thinker, the data-stream running through our heads, how to talk about it, and what to do with it, provides me with an endless source of fascination. Thinking, after all, along with emotions […]

Why we choke: a fresh perspective


Underperforming when it counts or choking is one of those frustrating problems we’d do well to redefine. Choking is not well understood. How can you perform something to near perfection in practice, then somehow screw up when it matters most? Typical explanations, once analyzed, don’t hold up. Here are some examples of conventional wisdom: The […]

Eight Benefits of Hypnotherapy (Realistic)


The benefits of hypnotherapy outweigh the associated risks, which are primarily time and money. Many people worry about the scary possibilities (seen in movies) when undergoing hypnosis, but the risks pretty much boil down to losing time and money for something you hoped would work but didn’t. The possibility that an average, professionally trained hypnotherapist […]

Mind the (skills) gap – getting the most from the Apprenticeship Levy


The last year has seen significant focus from UK government on supporting apprenticeships. Three million new apprenticeships are promised by 2020, as well as the development of new standards across a further 43 industry areas – bringing the total up to 61 and counting [PDF]. Apprenticeships are crucial to fuelling the economy with skilled, adaptable […]

Developing your public speaking: a toolkit for introverted trainers


Many people, not least trainers, are affected by a fear of public speaking, but learning how to overcome this and communicate confidently and authentically can boost both your confidence and your business.  Throughout our early education, few of us are actually taught or encouraged to practice public speaking skills. For those who are naturally more […]

The 3 Deadly Negotiation Blunders


Negotiators have an important place in any organization. Not only are they responsible for making sure that the firm saves money on potential costs and overheads, they’re also the key to ensure a firm doesn’t appear to have a weak position during negotiations. It is for this reason that negotiators are always expected to be […]

Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Deserving Criticism?


Why has the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) been so widely criticized by professionals and lay people around the world? What can NLP trainers and practitioners do about it? After 25 years practicing as a clinician, NLP and life coach trainer, here are my conclusions and top suggestions for NLP trainers and practitioners who must […]

Countdown to Success


Like a lot of people, I probably spend too much time on my phone playing games. A long-term favourite has been ‘The Chase’, but just recently I’ve been getting into Countdown, based on the long-running TV show.  Having tried Countdown once or twice on the ‘hard’ setting and being totally humiliated by a computer (I […]

Teaching Offline Social Skills in Online Trainings


Preparing the Completely Unprepared There are many reasons why online learning is amazing. You can learn from anywhere in the world and connect with folks you would never have the opportunity to meet in real life. All you need is an internet connection and you can learn anything from anywhere. There are thousands of amazing […]

Soft skills: preparing the leaders of tomorrow


Leadership programmes are failing the soft skills test, but L&D has a golden opportunity to help teams prepare for the future. Rapid technology-driven changes in connectivity, knowledge, communication and geographical reach are forcing organisations to change the way they conduct their business. The problem is that our leadership development programmes are not keeping up. The […]

Soft skills: creating a good communications culture


In order to drive continued success, organisations need to learn how to turn soft skills into the hard stuff of success. “The skills and ingenuity of our people are at the heart of prosperity,” said the opening statement of the 2017 CBI/Pearson Education and skills survey, a report which goes on to reveal that more than […]