Belbin Team Role biscuits


Oh crumbs… You promised yourself that, once you’d tidied up the last mince pie, it was healthy eating from here on out. But now January’s here, you’re back in the office, and the biscuit tin is calling. Fear not. Help is at hand. We don’t have motivational speeches. We don’t have pictures for your fridge. […]

How to Develop Your Brand Strategy


Many people think that brand creation is all about communicating and showing your brand. That is just one side of it. The brand building is a process of creating value to customers.  Brand strategy is a long-term plan for the creation of a successful brand to achieve concrete goals. A clear-cut and executed brand strategy […]

The importance of digitally upskilling employees


Most organizations conduct training for new employees to bring them up to speed with their new roles, but what happens after this initial training and the employee gets settled into their role? This is where upskilling and continuous training comes into play. The digital industry is transformative, and this means every day newer technologies are […]

Simple tricks to get out of your head


People get stuck in their heads all the time and for some persons, more than others. Although it’s nice to ruminate on life and be curious about yourself, the problem is that some of these thoughts are not particularly fruitful, instead are an endless stream of back, forth and circular thinking. These thoughts are usually […]

Top 5 ways to Build your Personal Brand


As famously quoted by Jeff Bezos (man behind, Amazon) “Personal brand is what people say about you when you leave the room”. In simple words, personal brand can be defined as your professional standing or reputation in the marketplace. Personal brand help people in understanding who you are as a professional,  your expertise, your competency, […]

At a time of crisis: Leaders emerge


Musing on the never-ending challenge of running a household, a colleague recently propounded their steady-state theory of food shopping. Given all other conditions being equal; food consumed is replenished by new purchases, resulting in a steady stream of goods passing through the house which acts as an unchanging conduit for consumption. A small amount of […]

Six steps to starting a consulting business


What does consulting mean to you?  Consulting in the traditional sense conjures images of well-dressed business people that spend their time in fancy offices and travel all over the world advising corporate companies on things like business strategy.  We’ve been conditioned to view consulting in this particular way.  But here’s the actual definition of consulting:  […]

Quick tips to consolidate debts and restore bad cr


When your loan installments and credit card bills are more than your monthly inflows, it is time to plan for debt consolidation. Late repayments or no repayments would only make matters worse for you. In wake of bad credit health, you need to search for easy installment loans for bad credit score. Here are a […]

3 Common Mistakes to Avoid with Unemployed Loans


Have you ever wondered why finding a lender for unemployed loans is a tough call despite a host of websites claiming to offer the same online? There are 3 certain common mistakes which borrowers commit while applying for unemployed loans. 1. Failing to establish a credit worthWhen you apply as an unemployed person without a […]

A Toucan Doing the Can Can


Whatever one toucan can doIs sooner done by toucans twoAnd three toucans it’s very true Can manage more than two can do And toucans numbering two plus twoCan manage more than all the zoo canIn fact there is no toucan, who canDo what four or three or two can. A couple of blogs back, I made […]

Co-creation:capturing the knowledge of millennials


The M word – millennials. Or snowflakes as they have most recently been called. I’ve been reading a lot about this generation recently and I don’t know about you, however I’m getting a little bored of the negativity surrounding them. Articles stating things such as their inability to communicate, lack of focus, wish to live […]

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Millennials?


  I’ve seen so many articles over the past few years about the confusing menace that are Millennials, and it’s hard to understand the trepidation with which we’re often approached. Indeed sometimes it feels as if I’m a wild animal or museum piece, with experts trying to piece together the inner workings of my brain from […]

Change management training in an uncertain future


There’s an old saying that goes “the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry”, whether the cause of this is internally or from matters beyond your control is trivial. For business people in the modern workplace having one ‘best-laid plan’ simply isn’t enough, the magnitude of international political changes over the last year […]

5 Search Results That Can Destroy Your Career


Are you an active social media user? Do you know what all security features you need to take in order to protect your identity and keep your personal information safe and secure? Today, most people use the internet and social media, without actually caring about safety and end up ruining their life and career. The […]

Benefits Of Using Gamification In The Workforce


Your employees are great people, but it’s your job as a manager or business owner to get the most from them by bringing the best out in them. Gamification is a commonly used term over the past few years in the marketing industry, human resources, sales, and entrepreneurship. Gamification is a great way to boost […]

70:20:10 – is there any point in training?


What on earth does 70:20:10 mean? Expedition Organiser James Eynon delves in to the controversial model and asks whether it means training courses are not as useful as many people think…   I spent some time catching up with industry forums this morning, and I noticed that many people have written about 70:20:10. Interested to learn more, I decided to […]

Conversation with a disruptive entrepreneur


I interviewed a successful entrepreneur from Copenhagen. Casper Ravn-Sorensen is really a great example of a true entrepreneur. For a long time, he has built up IT companies and internationalized them in several European countries. When you made up the first step towards angel investing in companies. How do you do that? There are a […]

Behaviour or Beliefs? What’s our Role?


When I began my career in Learning and Development, I remember being told that our role was about changing behaviours, not beliefs.  The thinking in those days was that beliefs were too fixed and difficult to influence but that if you taught people a new behaviour, the effectiveness of that new behaviour would eventually influence […]

6 Reasons why companies deserve real-time feedback


Has your company been thinking about switching to real-time feedback, but unsure when to start? Here are six reasons why you should make the change now. In the news today we’re constantly seeing major companies announce they’re dumping their old performance management systems for more agile solutions. Accenture, Adobe, Deloitte, Gap and Microsoft are just […]