At a time of crisis: Leaders emerge

Musing on the never-ending challenge of running a household, a colleague recently propounded their steady-state theory of food shopping. Given all other conditions being equal; food consumed is replenished by new purchases, resulting in a steady stream of goods passing through the house which acts as an unchanging conduit for consumption. A small amount of […]
Feedforward – A new direction in giving effective

Giving effective Feedback is an essential leadership skill, one that is regularly dreaded. Employees need to know if their performance is what their leaders expect from them and, if not, they need suggestions on how to improve it. Many Leaders have used techniques such as the classic “feedback sandwich” approach which formed the core of many […]
Importance of Effective Communication in Business

Every organization or a company has a fixed inter and interdepartmental structure where different departments work in close conjugation for smooth work flow. Organizations or companies that are successful lay great emphasis on strengthening their communication mediums so that every department sends or receive information on time and issues which has to be addressed gets […]
Reconnecting Coworkers in This Digital Age

It’s such a common sight in this day and age – you walk through a mall, into a restaurant or even in a park and find so many people holding and looking at mobile devices. One can’t wonder if so much digital connectedness is taking away from our human connectedness. No other place has suffered […]
How to meet GDPR requirements?

Have you considered what changes you will make to processing your training company data in line with the upcoming GDPR? Here are a few ideas: I’d love to hear yours! Have you considered what changes you will make to processing your training company data in line with the upcoming GDPR?Here are a few ideas:’d love to hear […]
7 Tips For Training Remote Teams

43 percent of working Americans spent some of their paid time working remotely in 2016. This survey of more than 15,000 people shows just how viable telecommuting is for the average American today, offering individuals and businesses alike a more flexible working routine. Remote work enables professionals (both salaried and freelance) to perform their duties […]
Disability Confident: what is the future of this scheme?

November 2017 will mark the first anniversary of the Government’s Disability Confident scheme. In its first 12 months the scheme has come a long way. There are already almost 5,000 Disability Confident organisations across the UK, and CIPD research suggests that employers will benefit from the new and innovative ideas that disabled employees can bring […]
Showing genuine appreciation in the office; why it’s so important

I often ask business leaders I meet when they last expressed gratitude to a colleague for their work, and the question is almost always met with some contemplation, before an answer of ‘a few weeks/months ago’. Even managers don’t seem to realise that appreciation of staff members is greatly neglected, and that this has a […]
Train talented introverts to be stellar managers

Last week, Amy Crawford wrote a very insightful article about tailoring learning styles to individual employees. Crawford makes some excellent points, because every employee has their own perspectives and learning styles. The individualized training approach is necessary when you are training introverted employees to become managers. Introverted employees are often overlooked for promotional opportunities, because […]
Why ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ is damaging the workplace

As an employer or manager, one of your key responsibilities is to ensure that your staff or team is happy and healthy. For a long time there has been stigma surrounding the importance of mental health equalling that of physical health; the ‘Keep Calm and Carry on’ ethos of World War II is so ingrained […]
Training online communication: 4 methods

Nowadays, everything can be done online. Even training! With the use of online instruction, you can train your physical fitness or do memory games, for instance. The same goes for the training of communication skills. Study material is always available in an online environment and you can get started wherever you want. Managers will be […]
I’m in charge, aren’t I? A look at interim leaders

Leaders are fundamental to workplace culture and environment: they are the driving force of an organisation towards its goals and are the key to motivating followers and enabling change. Whether the new leader is internal or external, any alteration in leadership can be unsettling for staff as the leader considers, and potentially changes, central aspects […]
7 Reasons for Encouraging Workplace Collaboration

Running a business is not easy. The success of the business depends significantly on the performance of the employees. If the management is able to get the best performance out the employees it will do well and the chances of success will increase. One of the important factors in getting good ideas and finding best […]
The art of flattery – are you doing it right?

Can I just say, I absolutely adore that outfit you’re wearing today, is it new? Oh, and that story you told me yesterday, it was hysterical, I haven’t laughed so much in ages! That was just a little attempt at flattery, what experts Chan and Sengupta say is the art of offering pleasing compliments and one […]
Smart but silent – Making a career as an introvert

Being an introverted person can produce challenges that the rest of society can’t relate to. And most likely that is why introverts, who are actually most often than not quite intelligent, find it difficult to enter the job market, are bullied at work or are passed up on big promotions. I am not an […]
3 design thinking examples in soft skills training

When developing a training program in which you want to teach your employees a lot of new information within a short timeframe, there is a danger of ‘overwhelming’ your employees. The ‘overwhelmed employee’ is a concept well-known within HR. Employees that have been faced with too much new learning material to process will not be […]
Office Culture: Working Well as a Team

As modern professionals know, office culture requires a certain amount of teamwork. Many modern offices are being designed today with the open floorplan in mind, and even in independent professions, you may find yourself collaborating on teams both departmentally and cross-departmentally. Additionally, workplaces have an increasing focus on the digital sphere, employing more and more […]
A Lesson from Dunkirk

Of all the articles written about the new blockbuster Dunkirk, I found this article in the Guardian particularly interesting. It shows how the same situation can look very different when your perspective is changed. In Britain, the mass evacuation of allied forces from Dunkirk is generally remembered as an incredible success; a time of great […]
7 Smart and Efficient Strategies to Win Your Team

Exceptional leaders understand that their business performance is heavily influenced by several, different factors. One of the big aspects that many are concerned with is the lack of trust that comes from their employees. When your team doesn’t trust you, the leader of the company, you’re most likely to encounter a lot of resistance coming […]
Communication Skills Coach – recommendations

Hi I am looking for recommendations of a London based coach / coaching firm who can provide 1:1 coaching for a consultant (junior level manager) who needs to improve assertion, confidence and conciseness in client meetings. A google search brings up a lot of companies but would prefer to approach someone with a recommendation from […]