Four tips for a great elearning platform

Thinking of design or investing in elearning? Follow these four simple pointers from David Miller. Did you know that the way how your design your elearning platform can be a hugely influential point to explore? You must be careful when designing a platform that you know is smart and ideal for the average participant to […]
The rise of elearning is set to continue in 2015 pt2

Tony Willson concludes his piece about the key trends for the coming year in elearning. Improved efficiencies Learning times are also significantly reduced with elearning. A study by the Brandon-Hall Group reported that elearning typically requires from 40-60% less employee time than when the same material is delivered in a traditional classroom setting. This impacts […]
Authoring Tools for HTML eLearning Development

Picking an Authoring Tool for HTML eLearning Development The easy availability of various types of e-learning tools that facilitate the formulation of innovative and effective e-learning courses is beneficial to all instructional designers. Articulate Storyline, Captivate, and Lectora are some of such versatile e-learning authoring tools that have influenced the present-day HTML e-learning arena considerably. […]
L&D news round-up: 18 Dec

Last news round-up til 2015. But it’s a good one… Scottish councils to share £6.5m for vocational training – BBC Scotland But is it enough? 7 Leadership Takeaways From The Battlefield To The Boardroom – Forbes Some interesting insight from Forbes – complete with a great Einstein quote. There Is No Shortage of Leaders – Harvard Business Review Apparently […]
Online Educa Berlin 2014: Live coverage

From 3 – 5 December the great and the good of Europe's L&D professionals will gather at the Hotel Intercontinental in Berlin, and if you can't be there this is the next best thing. We launch on Wednesday morning. Live Blog Online Educa Berlin 2014 window.cilAsyncInit = function() {cilEmbedManager.init()};(function() {if (window.cilVwRand === undefined) { […]
L&D industry insight: Marc Zao-Sanders

Recently we met Marc Zao-Sanders, MD of Filtered, to talk about online learning and more. L&D industry insight: Marc Zao-Sanders on online learning by Trainingzone on Mixcloud Recently we met Marc Zao-Sanders, MD of Filtered, to talk about online learning and more. L&D industry insight: Marc Zao-Sanders on online learning by Trainingzone on Mixcloud
The TZ podcast: November 2014

It’s a podcast short on news and questions but packed with guests – two to be precise. ILX’s Glyn Davies talks gamification and Filtered’s Marc Zao-Sanders talks online learning. Enjoy! Subscribe free Please ensure that you have iTunes installed before subscribing. It’s a podcast short on news and questions but packed with guests – two […]
Online Educa 2014: Agnieszka Chrząszcz interview

The L&D calendar’s premier elearning conference is almost upon us so we caught up with Agnieszka Chrząszcz from AGH-University of Science and Technology Centre of Elearning in Poland to tell us more about Online Educa 2014. Tell us about your talk at Online Educa. This year we propose a whole day pre-conference event open for everyone that […]
How elearning helps training companies manage delivery

Elearning provides the ideal solution to the thorny issue of late registrations in the world of business training today, says Andre Philpot. Late registrations are a fact of life in the world of training today. Gone are the days when course providers could refuse anyone who applied less than a week before the start date. […]
Insight: L&D fails to get to grips with learning technologies

Nine out of ten L&D Leaders are hungry to modernise their learning provision: to align learning to business; respond faster and to support learning at the heart of where it is needed and they are using more technology than ever before to help them. However, only 30% of organisations are achieving their business objectives compared […]
TrainingZone interviews: Easygenerator’s Kasper Spiro

Thinking of going down the e-learning authoring route? Read our interview with Easygenerator CEO Kasper Spiro first for some great advice. A theoretical headline from 2019. ‘The LMS is dead. Tell us about the future of the learning’. We are in the middle of a big change. By 2019 the learner will be in control, […]
Corporate Training: From eLearning to bLearning

Consider this scenario: a sales manager is returning from a client meeting. She checks her mail while waiting to board her flight at the airport, and comes across an introductory video link to a training session that is going to be conducted later in the day. She has nothing else to do, so she takes […]
70:20:10 and eLearning

The principles behind 70:20:10 are simple and align perfectly with eLearning technologies. The concept of informal learning is nothing new, however for years and years it has been bypassed by formal classroom based learning or investing significant sums in eLearning portfolio’s that bring little or no ROI. Now Learning and Development professionals and organisations as […]
Rapid eLearning software

I am looking into eLearning authoring tools and would like some recommendations on the best rapid authoring tools that are currently on the market. I have had experience with macromedia products, authorware and captivate but am looking for something that is easy to populate with limited design experience for subject experts to use not just an […]
The coaching mistake that could cost you dearly

Nicola Bird encourages the community to look online to generate revenue as an L&D professional. Have you ever heard the phrase the ‘busy fool’? For many coaches, this is their reality. They work all hours of the day servicing their one-to-one coaching clients, often into the evenings. Time for personal and family activities becomes few […]
5 ways to bringnvirtual classroom events to life

Many organisations are keen to maximise the impact of their L&D budgets and seem increasingly willing to explore different ways of interacting with the learner. This is all good stuff in my mind, allowing providers to use a wider range of interventions in delivering effective learning. One such approach that we are finding an increased […]
Video: Elearning – making the most of innovation? pt1

Last week TrainingZone journeyed east to Olympia for Learning Technologies 2012. The burning vox pops question: Is elearning making the most of innovation and technological breakthroughs? bits://v/riDHT7sj-kCMmvSXN For more information about SkillSoft click here Last week TrainingZone journeyed east to Olympia for Learning Technologies 2012. The burning vox pops question: Is elearning making the most […]
Free elearning authoring tools….?

Hi there, We would like to start using elearning self study modules to support some of our face to face classroom training. We already use a training management system (Enterprise Study) but we now wish to create our own basic self study modules without forking out for a huge licence fee (as we […]
Jay Cross: “Blended learning is bunk, informal learning the future”

Ed’s note 9 Nov 2015: Jay Cross was a man who did so much to progress the purpose, direction and future of L&D in business and one of the first names I heard multiple times in passing when I started out as editor of TrainingZone in 2010. And rightly so. He may forever be associated with the term ‘elearning’ but his […]