Remote Working: An Opportunity for Win:Win:Win


Home working has traditionally been viewed as a perk; a privilege often exclusively given to managers. But will that change as a result of the pandemic? Will the twenties be remembered for a new sort of industrial revolution; the rise of remote working?  I’d like to think so, because remote working can unlock unique opportunities […]

Equality – A Wake Up Call


I have a particular interest in Equal Opportunities and Diversity. Over the years, I’ve written several course modules on this topic, including Breaking Out of Our Boxes, and The Witches of Glum, which was endorsed by Show Racism the Red Card and is used in schools around the UK. (It’s available as free sample on Trainers’ […]

Critical Talent Strategies in a Crisis


The recent pandemic delivered a seismic shock to the world’s economy, destabilizing business frameworks, workforce models and challenging our ability to adapt. Having the agility to respond and reorganise swiftly gets business back in the game. However, many now face dilemmas around workforce numbers, managing surge capacity and technical competencies. So, what are the talent […]

Providing Expert Help To Remote Teams Now Critical


We are experiencing a working environment that no one could have prepared for. Even the most thorough crisis management plans wouldn’t have considered a national lock down or the need for so many of us to manage our work and teams remotely. Some might consider it straightforward to slip into a virtual team, relying on […]

4 ways to keep your distributed teams engaged


The challenge of engagement doesn’t start once employees begin working away from the office. In fact, decades of Gallup studies suggest that engagement levels within traditional workplaces have remained stubbornly flat, despite billions spent annually on strategies designed to reward and incentivise that engagement.  Despite that, much of the conversation – and the solutions – […]

5 must-haves for a modern employee recognition pro


Employee recognition initiatives can come in many shapes and sizes, and the majority of US companies say they do have some form of recognition programme in place for their staff.  But in the modern working world, which approaches to recognition work best? What features and strategies are now must-haves when it comes to designing your […]

5 simple ways to increase workplace productivity


You’d be hard-pressed to find a team lead or C-suite executive who wouldn’t leap at the opportunity to increase productivity within their organisation.  One huge problem facing companies around the world right now is the number of disengaged employees within workforces. Engaged employees don’t just go to work, they love the work they do and […]

The Career Balance


I’m conducting new primary research with people who make significant career changes. For some, this could mean self-employment, for others a change in direction, perhaps even a return to what they always wanted to do before a corporate career took them down a different path. What I’ve discovered so far has some interesting implications for […]

4 ways to attract millennials to your organisation


With millennials set to make up 75% of the workforce by 2025, organisations around the world are scrambling to understand the needs and motivations of an age group which has wildly different viewpoints and work ambitions as previous generations. Often labelled as great disruptors (as well as being disrupted themselves), millennials have entered work wanting […]

Three workplace trends employers need to action


The workplace has changed a lot over the last decade. Low unemployment rates and millennials entering the workforce has seen large culture shifts within offices and organisations in a short space of time.  Trends around the way workers want to work have also changed. Flexibility and work-life-balance are huge buzzwords and key selling criteria when […]

AI will improve employee productivity


According to Gartner, Virtual Personal Assistants and chatbots will be used by 70% of organisations within the next two years.  Whether that’s incorporating AI-enabled response mechanisms to streamline incoming queries, to allow 24/7 customer service or to reach out to new customers with ‘chatvertising’, there’s little doubt that AI will be impossible to avoid.   With […]

2050 – Living in the algorithm era…


2050 is not that far away from us. Barely three decades… (Still remember the 90’s, right?) Of course, it is impossible today to precisely depict what our future will look like 30 years from now. But there are at least 2 facts that we can now take for granted: #1- First, the world population will […]

Video: How to deal with bullies in the workplace


In this video, Zenna Atkins, former Chair of OFSTED, shares her experience of being bullied and offers advice to anyone being intimidated in the workplace. “Back in about 1990 I set up an organisation with a board. It was a very small organisation working with young homeless people. And the chairman of the board was bullying me. He would […]

2050 – Living in the algorithm era…


2050 is not that far away from us. Barely three decades… (Still remember the 90’s, right?) Of course, it is impossible today to precisely depict what our future will look like 30 years from now. But there are at least 2 facts that we can now take for granted: #1 – First, the world population […]

Workplace culture: train your staff to have a voice and reap cultural rewards


To truly make employees feel heard at work, organisations need to go beyond the comment box. Here’s how appointing and training staff representatives can transform your business. The last year, more than ever, has been dominated by questions and concerns around organisational culture for many of us HR, training and business leaders. From sexual misconduct […]

Lack of appreciation makes staff feel like leaving


Showing appreciation really is critical for the ongoing success of your teams. But often hard to properly quantify, a new study has started to put some numbers against the importance of recognising great work and giving thanks for efforts made. Published by Office Team, the report found that 66% of employees would leave their job […]

Social Media, Hate and Us


This isn’t the blog I intended to write this week, but on Friday we heard the terrible news of the terrorist attack on a mosque in New Zealand and, once more, the role of social media in our society was brought to the fore with the absolutely appalling news that the massacre was being live […]

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