Tuesday Insight: Superstars and Superteams!


For those of us who enjoy the World Cup, it’s been a particularly interesting tournament, in which teams with the most celebrated ‘star players’ haven’t been winning many games. Indeed, at the weekend two of the favourites, Portugal (with Ronaldo) and Argentina (with Messi) were both knocked out, in results that will have surprised many, […]

Neuroscience and leadership: is your brain preventing you from being a better leader?


A leadership training course may show you how to behave in critical situations, but when the pressure is on at work your brain’s natural behaviour will dominate how you react. Can this be overcome? There’s a fundamental difference between management and leadership. Management is process-oriented; it’s about setting objectives, delegating, giving feedback, assessing performance and […]

How To Boost Your Sales Team’s Productivity


If your goal is to increase revenue, you’ll need to sell more and your sales team will be in charge of that. They can’t work on their own, and you as a company owner or sales manager will need to train, instruct and educate them. There are countless selling strategies out there and are ever […]

Learning innovation and strategic intent: moving L&D to the next level


In the third and final article of this three-part series on digital learning realities in 2018, Director of Research at Fosway Group, David Perring, draws on new research conducted in partnership with Learning Technologies to see how digital transformation is impacting the effectiveness of learning. Reflecting on the results of this year’s Digital Learning Realities […]

The Apprenticeship Levy: making it work for your leadership needs


From the start, 2017 was dubbed a year of change. Whilst widespread political upheaval was a driving force behind this, significant change is rife elsewhere. In the UK, we’re now seeing somewhat of a revolution when it comes to the skills agenda. Investment in infrastructure and innovation was a clear priority for the government in 2017. […]

Is L&D doing enough to create truly effective learning?


In the second article of this three-part series on digital learning realities in 2018, Director of Research at Fosway Group, David Perring, draws on new research conducted in partnership with Learning Technologies to see how digital transformation is impacting the effectiveness of learning. After over 15 years of talking about blended learning and over eight […]

5 Steps to Resolving Issues in Project Management


As well as having a good work ethic to manage a group of people, being able to manage a project successfully requires having the right skills and information to identify and resolve an issue as quickly as possible. Here are just some ways in which you can identify and resolve issues before and during a […]

Apprenticeships – not just for carpenters?


Apprenticeships that are business-focused can give you the edge. So why not use the Apprenticeship Levy to develop your managers and leaders? There’s already been plenty of noise made about the Apprenticeship Levy. Despite this, there’s still a significant number of managers and business owners who manage staff but won’t be making use of the levy. […]

What’s the reality of digital learning transformation today?


Digital transformation is coming to learning, whether you’re ready or not. A massive 71% of organisations are currently in progress with their transformation journey. Based on new research conducted in partnership with Learning Technologies, director of research at Fosway Group, David Perring, explores the reality of what that means for L&D in the first of […]

Creating Learning Culture in Your Company


Employee training plays a crucial role in retention today. That is why one cannot afford to omit it. First, on boarding a new employee is always more costly than converting and giving a new function to an existing worker who is already familiar with the corporate culture and generally knows the ropes. Moreover, the opportunity […]

A Guide To Making An International Hire


Never limit yourself when growing and diversifying your business. Opening your hiring process to international candidates can bring prosperity and growth to your company. Business today is a global landscape that you need to understand how to navigate. If you are considering hiring internationally, there are a few different things you need to know. Let’s […]

5 Things to Today to Become a Better Manager


As a manager, you wear many hats. In fact, you wear ten hats if you ask Henry Mintzberg. However, this blog post talks about you and your team in terms of how you manage them. It’s a humongous topic! So, I’ve tried my best to condense it down to just five tips that should help […]

Contribute to Your Employees Career Development


3 Ways To Contribute to Your Employees Career Development Employees are the main strength of any organization. An organization’s growth depends completely on its employees’ capability. Then it is a duty of the management to nurture the employees. There are many employees who can do better in their professional field, but due to some reason, […]

Leadership, my mother’s love and the ultimate sacrifice


As a leader you need to put the needs of your team ahead of your own. This is a lesson that Ben Morton learned during his time in the British Army. Here he tells his story… I was standing at the top of a mile long, tree-lined avenue staring down at the British Army’s sixth […]

On Learning Agility


I’m trying to read at least five l&d related articles a week and review my lessons from the article and today I read a really interesting one from CLO magazine titled, Learning agility and its role in leadership. You can read the full article here. Usually when I read an article like this, my first question […]

It’s official: business is no longer a competition


The industrial age created an economy based on competition, but in the digital age the business landscape is far more nuanced than that. When I first started working with leaders and their teams, they would tell me that their strategic goal was to be number one in their market. At first I found this charming. Then […]

How to Improve Wellbeing in the Workplace


While some stress is to be expected in the workplace, excessive stress can interfere with performance and productivity, and can have adverse effects on the emotional and physical health of your employees. Ensuring employees have a stress free, inspiring, engaging and nurturing environment is a sure-fire way of improving productivity and overall business results. Here […]

Six steps to ineffective leadership


Are your leadership skills too effective? Follow these simple steps and you will soon be joining the large group of bad leaders that are still out there… In our work as productivity and effectiveness consultants, we help leaders to lead more effectively, to be more efficient, and to realise the benefits of stress-free productivity. We […]

5 Benefits of Hiring an Agile Coach


Is your organization transitioning to agile software development? Whether you’re in the beginning, middle, or even the latent stages of this movement, it’s common to feel uncertain and frustrated by the process. With that said, a qualified agile coach can help your organization succeed within this uncharted territory.  Let’s get into the advantages you should know.  […]

How to Handle Vegan Employees in Your Workplace


If you want to be a great leader, you need to make sure that every member of your team feels safe, welcome, and included. While issues like religion and culture come to mind here, other strongly held beliefs, like veganism, are also important to consider. Without the right culture and leadership, vegan employees might suffer […]