How social media managememt can help your business

The traditional marketing model was to get as many eyeballs on your product or service’s message as possible and hope that a percentage of customer’s purchase. Yellow pages, radio advertising, direct mail, television commercials, magazine ads, etc. are examples of these traditional advertising methods. Now the conventional types of marketing do not have the effect […]
Training Managers to Drive Results

More often than not, business leaders looking to invest in training solutions for their company are hoping that the training will pay off in the form of measurable results. Or, from another perspective, that the employee onboarding can give their employees the tools, skills, motivation, and confidence to drive these results. And so, many training […]
The Impact of Poor Training in the Workplace

Training staff may seem like a costly and time draining exercise, but the benefits of highly trained staff far outweigh the initial investments. Fully trained employees are not only better able to deliver the jobs that they are hired for, but they also impress customers more and are more easily retained. A workforce who has […]
5 ways to generation-proof your business

Ugh, Millennials. *Eye roll*… Understanding Millennials – or more accurately, emphasising the differences between generations – is big business. And of course, it’s more of a headline-grabber to make it a tribal thing. It’s a case of divide-and-conquer. But the more diligent research studies show that we have more in common than we might […]
5 Key Benefits to Managing Employees with POS

Employee management is challenging and inevitable in every enterprise-small or large. The success of any organization relies not only on its products, services and client deliveries but also on employee satisfaction and employee attrition rate. Though being an owner or CEO, you can’t keep each individual happy at the same time, but your team should […]
Apps that Help Productivity in the Workplace

Managing time at work is never easy – especially if you have a high pressured, hectic job. There some impressive project management mobile apps out there that you may not be aware of – here are some of them… Asana Asana is available on Android and iOS platforms and features high-level views of projects through […]
Change or Die? There’s an Alternative

There is a particular word that has become very popular in recent times within business-change speak, that was thrown around a lot on the 1980s American pop psychology scene back in the day: it’s ‘transformation’. At a seminar I attended back in the ‘80s, the facilitator held up an apple and said, “If I were […]
Mentoring with a twist: encouraging employees to stay curious & creative

Most businesses today will have some form of training in place, whether this is formal, through a third-party provider, or through internal employee mentoring schemes. There’s currently a great focus on improving diversity in the workplace, especially for STEM jobs. It’s become the general consensus that having diverse teams and actively promoting an inclusive work […]
Choosing and utilising outside training providers

As someone responsible for delivering the training function of your business, you may feel an onus to provide the entire program solely rather than relying on others to assist with the delivery itself. A core responsibility for the Learning & Development team at any organisation is to identify the most efficient, cost-effective methods of up-skilling […]
Reflecting on cost v value in business. Do you know the difference?

Robin Hoyle is a writer, trainer and consultant. He is the author of Complete Training: from recruitment to retirement and Informal Learning in Organizations; how to create a continuous learning culture both published by Kogan Page. The IT meltdown which saw British Airways flights cancelled over the Bank Holiday weekend was a sober reminder of how important IT systems are […]
Why Teams Matter!

We spend a lot of time exploring what makes teams work and how to improve their effectiveness, but how often do we stop and think about why and when to deploy teams in the first place? “The essence of effective teamwork is to create a product through a collective effort that exceeds the quality of […]
What makes a winning partnership between learning and business?

To unlock potential and impact on performance, people professionals don’t just need to get closer to the business; they need to become integral to the business, says Stephanie Morgan. We often find ourselves attempting to deliver results in the face of challenges from within. Towards Maturity recently found that only 57% of their C-suite respondents […]
How Getting Involved In Charity Benefits Business

It’s good to give. If your business wants to get more involved with charity work, we’ve listed some of the main benefits you can expect to reap when you start supporting local projects – as well as how to get started in the first place. Ten Ways Supporting Charities Can Benefit Your Business 1. It […]
4 Tips For Managing Your Remote Team Of Employees

Remote employment has never been more robust than it is today. More and more professionals desire telecommuting positions, and almost every industry imaginable is accommodating this change in workforce behavior to some degree. 30% of telecommuting employees in a report stated their remote position allowed them to complete more work in less time, and 24% […]
Training Industry Benchmark Survey Findings 2017

What are the key challenges you face in the training world? How will Brexit impact the industry? Which courses and delivery types are proving most popular in 2017? How does your organisation measure up to others? Every year, we like to take the industry’s pulse, to find out how training professionals feel about the current […]
How to know if a training business is successful?

What metrics do training companies use to measure success? I would suggest that important measures include: Training Take-up Skills Application Delegate Satisfaction Marketing Data Workplace Efficiencies ROI Read more on my thoughts here: What metrics do training companies use to measure success? I would suggest that important measures include:Training Take-upSkills ApplicationDelegate SatisfactionMarketing DataWorkplace EfficienciesROIRead more on […]
Six Common Teamwork Myths put Straight

In 2011, Professor J. Richard Hackman, late Edgar Pierce Professor of Social and Organizational Psychology at Harvard University, wrote an article outlining “Six Common Misperceptions about Teamwork” from his considerable research in the U.S. intelligence community. Here, we revisit his findings and explore them in a little more detail from a Belbin perspective. Myth […]
4 Tips For Training Your Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants can be a blessing to your business and boost productivity immensely. They can free you up from tedious tasks such as data entry, bookkeeping or updating contact lists at a cost that won’t break the bank. VA’s can be hired from numerous sources such as Upwork, specialty firms or even Fiverr. Here are a […]
Business promotion on the Internet

Every business owner, regardless of his kind, wants his business to bring a big income. And many of them understand the need to promote business on the Internet for the successful operation of a company or a store. This type of promotion is becoming more effective every year. Internet is in almost every house, and […]
Five bad habits good leaders don’t have

We read a lot about what you should be doing as a leader. But what about the things you shouldn’t be doing? These five habits are a sure way to turn your employees against you, and shatter any respect that they might have for you. So if you do them, lose them. Here’s how. Stop […]