Suicide awareness training: Six risk factors to pay attention to

woman leaning against a wall in dim hallway

Tragically, 6,000 people every year in the UK alone are being lost to something that is now widely described by expert clinicians as preventable – suicide. How can L&D professionals ensure workers are educated on the risk factors and extend a lifeline to those in crisis?

Weekly Design Challenge – Setting Expectations #1


Recently, I started setting myself weekly design challenges which comprise of designing and developing a 2.5 to 3-hour virtual training course that can be delivered on a platform such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams. My challenge for last week was to design a course titled, “Setting Expectations”. This course is aimed at new frontline managers […]

Conscious Affirmations for Aligned Leadership


  Affirmations sometimes unfairly get a bit of a bad press… you might even be thinking twice about reading this article as you sense I might be limbering up to get all new agey on you. I hope to put your mind at ease. Let’s start by thinking about affirmations as powerfully intentional self-talk. Through […]