Mastering meetings: The key to effective leadership

padlock on black metal fence representing unlocking effective leadership

Meetings. Whether you love them, loathe them or sit somewhere in the middle, there’s no denying they are crucial for both teams and organisations. But ineffective meetings cost time and money. Here, Dani Bacon and Garin Rouch of Distinction Business Consulting explore strategies for better executed and more meaningful meetings.

Weekly Design Challenge – Setting Expectations #1


Recently, I started setting myself weekly design challenges which comprise of designing and developing a 2.5 to 3-hour virtual training course that can be delivered on a platform such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams. My challenge for last week was to design a course titled, “Setting Expectations”. This course is aimed at new frontline managers […]

Conscious Affirmations for Aligned Leadership


  Affirmations sometimes unfairly get a bit of a bad press… you might even be thinking twice about reading this article as you sense I might be limbering up to get all new agey on you. I hope to put your mind at ease. Let’s start by thinking about affirmations as powerfully intentional self-talk. Through […]