Lest We Forget


I think a common misconception many trainers share is the idea that their role is simply to pass on their knowledge, experience and expertise to others. In my opinion, it’s not; it’s about facilitating learning, which is a very different thing.  It’s different because knowledge alone does not change behaviour. To prove this point, I […]

Using neuroscience to gain support for learning at work


As trainers, we know intuitively what works well to maximise learning and the embedding of that learning. It can be difficult, however, to get the support of line managers and other stakeholders to achieve the best results against the background of all the other pressures they’re facing. This article will look at how we can […]

Case study: creating a brain-savvy learning strategy


In order to illustrate the benefits of implementing a ‘brain savvy’ learning strategy, this article will draw from my personal experience working with a client who did just this.  The background One of our clients, who was in the process of making significant changes to their operating model, came to us because they saw an opportunity to […]

Learning styles theory: what does neuroscience say?


We’ve always been urged to apply the learning styles theory to programme design, and prospective clients often insist we show how the design will meet participants’ different learning styles. This learning style theory isn’t one theory: there are actually a variety of slightly different ones, but the most well-known is probably Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory. [PDF] Kolb’s theory is […]

The 70/20/10 strategy – what does neuroscience say?


Is the 70/20/10 rule still applicable to modern leadership, or is it time we adapted this model for a new generation of leaders? The number many companies tell me they are striving for in their learning strategy is 70/20/10. In case you haven’t come across this or have never really understood it, the theory says […]

Learning strategy: should your learning programme really be tough?


Neuroscience has proven that our brain function is reduced when we’re under stress – so why are so many learning programmes designed to put participants under pressure? It’s time to rethink our approach if we want to get results.  Start by reflecting on these questions and hold them in mind as you read on: Will […]

Transferring learning is obvious – except it’s not


How do we ensure that learners retain and apply the information gained during training sessions? It’s time for trainers to start focusing on embedding knowledge as a core part of the learning process.  Even the best programmes in the world are no use if the learnings themselves aren’t applied, so it’s vital that participants understand from […]

The science behind what keeps us stuck in unhelpful habits


How often do we get caught up in unhelpful habits, whether it’s getting so busy with our workload that we don’t allow time for bigger picture thinking, or overlooking new ways of working as we prefer the comfort of how we’ve always done it? To unlock the capacity to make lasting changes to daily habits […]

Training the mind: a new fitness regime for the workplace


Reducing stress in the workplace requires a major cultural shift. Companies that give people the confidence to express themselves and encourage a positive working environment will thrive. Stress is a huge issue in business today. The cases of mental illness and depression continue to rise and in today’s pressurised and bottom-line centric world the problems associated with […]

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