Kickstart Personal Development With These 4 Tips


As the New Year approaches, it’s not uncommon for people to start thinking about all the things they ought to start or stop doing to live a healthier, more productive life and reach their fullest potential. It can easily get overwhelmed thinking about all the different facets of personal development, so kickstart your growth and […]

Overseas Assignments: How To Prepare Employees


Every year, vast sums of money are spent on international work assignments. Companies across the globe invest hundreds of thousands in everything from shipping to accommodation, in the hopes of seeing international candidates flourish. The allure is understandable. Instead of hiring a new domestic employee, you internally move an already tried-and-tested worker. Somebody who can […]

Ferries – And a Gratuitous Picture of My Cute Dog


Have you ever noticed how the smallest things can leave the greatest impression? I’ve been regularly travelling to France by ferry for years, and I’ve always been happy with the consistent service. There are clean cabins, reasonable food, friendly staff and a relatively smooth boarding and disembarkation process.  But this year I’ve had the opportunity […]

Should companies invest in sales skills for all?


The quality of a salesperson, in a B2B environment, is one of the most important, if not the most important factor influencing a prospects’ decision to buy. How much are you investing in your team? Every great sales manager will tell you that training and development are the foundations of building an outstanding sales team. […]

Why qualifications still matter in business


Qualifications are important in any subject, industry and sector of work; whether you have certain qualifications or not can affect your chances of achieving the job you apply for. Think about it this way, if you are an employer and must choose between two job candidates, one of which has a Specialist Diploma, who would […]

8 Reasons Your Training Presentation Isn’t Working


You know your content inside-out. You’re a good presenter – you know how to work the room, and encourage your learners. But was that a sigh you heard as you transitioned to the next slide in your presentation deck? Here are eight mistakes you’re probably making if you get that sneaking suspicion your training presentation […]

Annual appraisals are dead. Long live…?


New research by YouGov in the UK has found that over half of UK employees think annual appraisals are “pointless” or “time consuming”, and see them as outdated. So, are the days of annual appraisals numbered? If so, where did they go wrong, and how can we build something better? Appraisals are often a form-filling […]

What are the three principles of co-creation?


We’re sure you’d agree when we say the best ideas and innovations come from those who are in the business. Those who interact with the customer daily and understand their needs, challenges and desires. Though rarely is it one, single employee who dreams up the ‘next big thing’ or a solution to a business challenge. […]

Leaders: Stop procrastinating & start working!


So, it is Friday afternoon and the clock is ticking. You are working hard to finish off that meeting with the client and resume the pending task that you promised yourself to finish today. But, instead of doing anything, you start cursing yourself and the time. It is not the time that is affecting you, […]

Simple tricks to get out of your head


People get stuck in their heads all the time and for some persons, more than others. Although it’s nice to ruminate on life and be curious about yourself, the problem is that some of these thoughts are not particularly fruitful, instead are an endless stream of back, forth and circular thinking. These thoughts are usually […]

Negotiation Skills Self Assessments.


I am currently in the process of refreshing the content of my 2 Day Negotiation Skills Training Workshop. I would be interested to hear from trainers regarding the best provider of negotiating skills self assessment questionnaires to help attendees gain awareness of their own negotiating style at the start of the course. I’m also keen to hear about […]

Qualifications for L&D Professionals


Beyond the obvious CIPD Level 3 and TAP Certificate, what qualifications would you recommend for L&D professionals?  We are looking at ILM Coaching, and psychometric testing qualifications such as MBTI. I’d be really interested in your views on qualifications that you have found useful or that you look for on a CV thank you Chris […]

Setting up employee training and development


Employee training and development can instil fear into some company owners or management, as there seems, in some companies at least, to be this idea that if a company offers an employee training, that employee will leave and get another job elsewhere. I do not know where this idea originates, but I have worked for […]

Focusing on Trainable Skills for Sales Teams


For sales managers, there are two sets of skills to examine both during the hiring process and beyond. Those are skills that can be taught and those that cannot be taught. Some of the skills and personality traits that cannot be taught include drive, integrity, and self-awareness. If those kinds of traits are not already […]

Best Delivery Methods for Adult Training


Conducting training for adults is very different from training school kids in a classroom. The way adults learn and respond is very complex. As a trainer, you always want to deliver the best knowledge and prove valuable to your students. As important as your teaching content is, you must also acknowledge the fact that it […]

The competitive advantage of deliberate practice


One of the most critical competitive advantages for any organization is the skill level at which their people have important conversations. Interpersonal interactions, whether customer-facing, coaching, diversity & inclusion or leadership, can positively or negatively affect an organization more than a marketing campaign, a recognizable logo, a great product, or a good price. Business leaders […]

Training Importance in an Organisation


Training, in Reality, is the basis of successful Management since it makes workers more efficient and effective. 1- Benefits of standardization: The methods of manufacturing are standardized throughout training. All trained workers follow same techniques and techniques of manufacturing and consequently there may be little variation in standards and output made by different workers. By […]

How to write powerful resume summary?


Many resumes still begin with an out of date target proclamation that spotlights on what the job seeker wants to pick up from a job, and typically winds up telling a planned boss a bundle stuff they definitely know, or would accept. We suggest supplanting your incapable target explanation with an intense summary proclamation. Here’s […]

The Best Guide to Online Track and Field Training


Do you desire to be trained? Are you naturally gifted to get involved with physical strength, agility, and stamina? You might even have a pure desire to participate in a sports contest or game that requires physical skills worry less as you read through you will be guided on the right path. How Can I […]

Six steps to starting a consulting business


What does consulting mean to you?  Consulting in the traditional sense conjures images of well-dressed business people that spend their time in fancy offices and travel all over the world advising corporate companies on things like business strategy.  We’ve been conditioned to view consulting in this particular way.  But here’s the actual definition of consulting:  […]