Navigating generational perceptions of GenAI

Deloitte research highlights both worry and excitement among Gen Z with regards to Generative AI. Erica Farmer explores how accounting for different generational experiences of GenAI is a strategic imperative for employers and L&D.
Share the load with AI to create great training

Training designer Sheridan Webb explores why your role in learning and development is safe if you collaborate with AI rather than compete with it – and how to do it.
Beyond traditional training: AI feedback tools in modern L&D

Learning Experience Director Hannah Gore explores how AI-powered platforms are addressing key challenges in the world of L&D feedback.
Why mission-critical thinking trumps passion

Should L&D teams help employees pursue their passions or focus on meeting business needs? Robin Hoyle suggests you curb your enthusiasm and get on with mission-critical plans.
Could AI coachbots replace human coaches?

We’ve already seen an explosion of AI-enabled services in every area of business, education and training that have the potential to radically change how we work. Coaching is one such area that is following suit… but how effective could a coachbot really be?
Achieving a balance between technical and human skills

Investing in today’s workforce is crucial to ensuring employees have the skills for a brighter tomorrow
Nine tips for securing the learning investment you need

Learning and development is an important investment for organisations. Here are nine tips for creating a robust learning investment strategy to drive forward organisational success.
A future we cannot fathom: Learning Technologies 2024 gets down and dirty

This year’s Learning Technologies offered an energising, supportive environment for L&D professionals grappling with heavyweight problems and seeking to prepare for a future we’re ill-equipped to fathom.
Looking forward to Learning Technologies: Europe’s leading workplace learning event

We at TrainingZone are eagerly anticipating the Learning Technologies event in London. The jam-packed programme covers prominent topics such as AI and skills development, promising a valuable learning experience for L&D experts.
How to close the AI gender gap

In the run up to International Women’s Day (8th March), TrainingZone columnist Erica Farmer explores the implications of AI on women’s careers and offers six strategies to close the AI gender gap.
Behaviourism has influenced workplace learning more than you think

In the first article from the Great Minds on Learning content series, Donald Clark takes us on a whistle-stop tour of the behaviourists.
AI in learning: Where are we now and where should we be going?

In this interview, David Perring, Chief Insights Officer of Fosway, shares his candid views on L&D’s current approach to artificial intelligence, and what a utopia (or utopias) looks like for corporate learning.
A beginner’s guide to delivering practical and effective online learning

Explore these practical steps to creating a digital learning offering that packs a punch for employees.
Why skills-based learning is key to solving your talent shortage

What is skills-based learning and why is it the right approach for talent attraction and development today? David James, CLO at 360Learning, shares his thoughts.
L&D data comes of age

Robin Hoyle shares three key themes for his experience of this year’s World of Learning Summit at Olympia.
Nine expert predictions for learning and development in 2024

What is in store for us this year? Nine of our experts share their key predictions for 2024.
Ethics of AI: Guide L&D with Responsible Adoption

This third article in the series aims to delve deeply into the ethical considerations and frameworks for responsible AI adoption in Learning and Development. It will explore the nuances of ethical AI, adapting existing frameworks, mitigating bias, ensuring transparency, and fostering a culture that prioritizes responsible AI practices in the L&D domain. Welcome to this […]
How avatars in virtual worlds enable women’s leadership development

Dr Debbie Bayntun-Lees examines how avatars and virtual worlds can enable female leaders to gain a multidimensional sense of their own power as a leader.
Did your learning and development predictions come true in 2023?

With the close of 2023 creeping in, we asked nine L&D experts to look back at their forecasting for the year.
AI’s True Potential in L&D and the Workplace

In an era defined by rapid technological advancements and ever-evolving workplace demands, Learning and Development (L&D) leaders face an unprecedented challenge: how to prepare their teams and organizations for the future. The answer to this challenge lies in harnessing the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning. This article marks the beginning of […]