Six tips for energising virtual training


Last week my colleague Paul Hodder attended a Webinar on Energising Your Training by the author Bob Lucas.  Bob talked about the importance of movement, asserting that physical activity has been shown to increase attention and improve problem solving skills. At BiteSize Learning we have always sought to get people on their feet as early and […]

How to keep your learning on track


A lot has changed over the last month. A survey about workplace learning just before the lockdown began found that 53% of learning and development professionals were moving everything online. (The impact of Covid-19 on learning, findcourses, March 2020). Like us, many L&D departments and providers are recalibrating their course design and content. This shift […]

Team building exercise


Hello Community I'm searching for a team building game called Isabella Monumento. I had a copy in 1992 but sadly lost it. Can anyone help? Many thanks and stay safe. Andrew Hello CommunityI'm searching for a team building game called Isabella Monumento. I had a copy in 1992 but sadly lost it. Can anyone help?Many […]

Delivering Training Remotely 3 – Content


In unprecedented times, a lot of trainers are suddenly discovering that they need to completely change the way they deliver training. And a lot of us are seriously engaging, perhaps for the first time, with the concept of delivering training remotely. This can be a scary prospect especially if, like me, you’re passionate about the […]

4 Lessons From Training a 7-Figure Remote Team


Ensuring your team has the right mix of skills to execute your business objectives is one of your key responsibilities as a leader. When the right mix of skills is in place, everyone wins. Your team feels a sense of confidence, efficacy and being valued. Your customers enjoy a quality experience that only is possible […]

Sales training games & activities


I’m a sales trainer and I’m looking for activities that I can use when working with clients who need to understand how to Upsell / Cross-sell. FYI, I use this McDonald’s example to explain it: Upsell – Would you like to go large? Cross sell – Would you like fries with that? I don’t mind […]