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Team Building Tops Training Poll


Team building courses have been voted the best and most enjoyable in a survey of HR and training managers.

Team building beat Neuro Linguistic Programming training (second), and management skills education courses (third). Train the trainer courses came fourth in the poll.

Meanwhile Health and Safety courses were voted the worst or least enjoyable, ahead of finance for the non-financial managers and IT skills.

The poll, of over 300 HR and training managers registering to visit the World of Learning Conference & Exhibition, asked respondents to state which were the best or most enjoyable courses they had experienced and also which were the worst or least enjoyable.

Jim Reilly, Event Director of World of Learning 2005 commented: “Nobody knows more about training courses than HR and training professionals such as these who select and arrange them. So the verdict of this group is important. Trainers need to look closely at what makes team building training popular and apply it to areas where courses are not so enjoyable.”

The conference and exhibition takes place on 15 and 16 November at the NEC Birmingham.


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