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Training accreditation


We are a team of IT system trainers working nationwide for a dept of justice. We are all qualified teachers but our organisation is looking at accreditation for the training team.

I have found IITT and know that an option might be to become Microsoft certified but, does anyone have any recommendations of where else I could look?

Beverley Jessop

3 Responses

  1. ITOL
    Hi Beverley

    Try the Institute of Training and Occupational Learning. You will find all our membership information, including application form downloads, on our public website at

    ITOL’s membership encompasses Professors, Training Directors, Training Instructors, Training Managers, Consultants, Lecturers, Training Designers etc. We have members in every sector of industry, commerce, local and national government, not-for-profit organisations and the armed forces.

    Jeffrey Brooks.
    Director ITOL

  2. Accreditation of experiential learning
    Accreditation is a critical issue today – and far too many training providers are offering accreditation. One interesting route is now emerging which could have widespread application as it uses less formal approaches to assessment and accreditation. The CPD Business School is offering accreditation at various levels from Certificate to Doctorate to ANY experiential learning programme, with accreditation formally awarded by the University of Action Learning (which in turn is recognised by various distance learning bodies in the US and the UK). Thus, if your training team can produce the workplace-based evidence of experiential learning and implementation from the work, you can have this submitted for accreditation. Follow the link to find more about the CPD Business School, and make contact directly with Richard Hale from those pages. Or I can forward your enquiry to Richard.

    Tim Pickles, Founder, TrainingZONE
    [email protected]

  3. Consider a recognised qualification
    Unfortunately the ITOL qualifications are not recognised in the IT Training Industry. Equally the IITT qualifications are not recognised by any of the software vendors. CTT+ is recognised by Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, Sun, Corel, Adobe and most major vendors. It also has the added advantages of being cross industry and internationally recognised. It is based on competencies defined by the International Board for Standards in Training Performance and Instruction and is available from Comptia (a non-profit making organisation).


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